Saturday, June 01, 2024

Pride Month!

Have you gone to a Pride? Or a Pride Parade?
The reason for Pride is not to party but rather to remember what we had to go through to get here. The bashed heads, the shooting, the police harassment, and the killing… Pride is because we survived. We are here, we are queer, and we are in your face!

That is what Pride is about, that we survived another year! Many of us didn’t. I bet that most of us know at least one victim of violence, one person who was harassed by police, one person who was denied service.

The Advocate has an article on Pride month that was picked up by Yahoo News and they allow comments.
In a related story, "Certain Mental Disorders Can Be Treated With Placebos."  For example, Pride Month.

While they are not useful to society, their flag is. Cut in small strips and pick up dog ex cre ment.

Do we really have to have a Freak Show month every year?  When is Family Month, or Dog Month, or Farmer Month?
Or this comment on Facebook,
The rainbow flag was invented by pedophile drag Queen Gilbert Baker who created it specifically to lure children. Member of NAMBLA, pedophile organization
[Links to anti-LGBTQ websites]

Pandering to the rainbow mafia
What an abomination
They’re after your kids.
And that folks is why we have Pride. Because of people like these and that we survived another year. 

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