Thursday, June 27, 2024

So How’re You Going To Vote?

(I don't expect you to answer.) Wishful thinking… the Republicans are going to be trounced (Hopefully it is not foolish expectation.) in November I think it is all because of abortion.
Two years ago, millions of young women like me listened to the worry in our mothers’ voices as they explained that we no longer had one of the fundamental rights that their generation fought so tirelessly to gain. We called our doctors asking to be prescribed birth control as soon as possible, in case Republicans planned to come after that next. And we wept tears for not only ourselves, but for all the women growing up alongside and after us.

It’s been two years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and the young women of America are tired. We’re exhausted.

Because since then, reproductive freedom has been on the line in every election. Every year is a grating battle to win back the same rights that our parents already had. Every year, women answer the call, driven by frustration and anger that we have to pick up the phone to win back an essential human right in the first place.

Despite overwhelming support for abortion, 21 states have passed abortion bans or restrictions following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that emboldened them to do so. Voters—especially young voters like myself—have been forced to turn our anguish into action, mobilizing every single election to protect abortion in our states. But instead of listening to the very constituents they are meant to serve, Republican extremists are undeterred by the majority opposition to their anti-abortion agenda. They continue to chip away at abortion rights across the country with the ultimate goal of eliminating access.
I think President Biden need to push that in the next four years two more Supreme Court justices will be appointed along with hundreds and hundreds of lower court judges appointed.
It’s easy to get lost in despair. I never imagined I would have to fight every day to get rights back. Growing up, I had bigger dreams of advancing reproductive rights to places they had never gone before. But now, it feels like we are back at square one.

It would be easy for us to let seasoned professionals handle the fight, to sit back and let our parents tell us that it will get better. It would be easy to listen to naysayers who tell us it’s not our time to take action. And it would be easy to just give up. But that is not how we’re going to make change. We’ll make a change by turning out in mass this November to send a clear message: The vast majority of people in every state across the country—red states and blue states—want to protect abortion access.
Vote BLUE!

Our Bodies, Our Choice!

The fight isn’t over, and it won’t be easy, but with generations of women coming together to protect abortion rights, our reproductive freedom and our futures, we will be unstoppable.
And we of the trans community cannot  'rest on our laurels' we have to be out there helping! Our necks are on the line also.
Opinion briefly posted online shows Supreme Court poised to restore emergency abortion access in Idaho
The decision posted online shows that the justices voted 6-3 to dismiss the dispute from their docket.
By Alice Miranda Ollstein and Josh Gerstein
June 26, 2024

Access to emergency abortions in Idaho might soon be restored if a Supreme Court decision briefly posted on its website Wednesday is finalized in the days ahead.

The decision posted online shows that a majority of the justices voted to dismiss the dispute from their docket, according to Bloomberg News, which first reported the appearance of the opinion.

A court spokesperson confirmed that a “document” related to the Idaho abortion case had been “inadvertently” released, but stressed the decision isn’t yet official. The document has since been removed.

If it becomes official, the decision would restore a lower court injunction that sided with the Biden administration and barred the state from enforcing its broad abortion ban with respect to patients who seek emergency care from hospitals.
The White House released this…
This week, the Republican Study Committee, which represents 100% of House Republican leadership and nearly 80% of their members, released a budget that—among its many other anti-choice restrictions—endorses a national abortion ban with zero exceptions for rape or incest.

The Republican Study Committee budget:
  •     Supports eliminating reproductive freedom for all women in every state and puts IVF treatment squarely on the chopping block through House Republicans’ support for the Life at Conception Act.
  •     Endorses banning mifepristone – an FDA-approved, safe and effective medication that has been on the market for more than 20 years.
  •     Supports rolling back policies that help ensure our Nation’s veterans have access to abortion care when their health or lives are at risk or in cases of rape or incest.
  •     Guts funding for contraception—which is supported by the vast majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle—for low-income and uninsured women. This would further erode access to essential health care, from cancer screening to primary care, at a time when state abortion bans have already forced health clinics that provide contraception and other critical health services to close.
Our bodies, our choice!

AP News reported,
Donald Trump still says he’s proud that the Supreme Court justices he nominated overturned Roe v. Wade. Yet he again on Monday avoided tough questions about abortion, including whether he would support a national abortion ban should he return to the White House.
Now why do you think he is avoiding saying anything about abortion… do you think he is caught between a rock and a hard place? He needs to appease his evangelical base while keeping the majority of the voters guessing.

Our bodies, our choice!
Do you remember when the Supreme Court overturned and the Republicans all were praising “State Rights” for abortions, well Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) introduced legislation last fall that is calling for a national abortion ban after 15 weeks.

Our bodies, our choice!

If you are planning on voting for a third party candidate like Green Party’s Adam Hollick or Anita Belle, you’re voting for Trump. Every vote for the third party candidate or the other independent candidate like Kennedy is like voting for Trump. Do you really want Trump to win?

Ballotpedia writes that Trump said this about us…
Trump's campaign website said, "I will sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age. I will then ask Congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars from being used to promote or pay for these procedures, and pass a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. It’ll go very quickly. I will declare that any hospital or healthcare provider that participates in the chemical or physical mutilation of minor youth will no longer meet federal health and safety standards for Medicaid and Medicare—and will be terminated from the program immediately."
Our bodies, our choices!
Meanwhile on the other side of the aisle…
Meet the Coalition of Governors Determined to Protect Abortion Rights for All Americans
The Reproductive Freedom Alliance is a nonpartisan coalition of 23 governors determined to protect abortion rights and reproductive health.
Ms Magazine
By Belle Taylor-McGhee
June 20, 2024

Just hours after the U.S. Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health in June 2022, the clock began ticking for women in states harboring abortion bans and trigger laws that, upon Roe’s reversal, would be allowed to take effect. One by one, antiabortion states instituted a patchwork of polices that could make the procedure all but inaccessible depending on your state and your zip code.

It was because of her zip code that one patient, who wished to remain anonymous, drove four hours from Sparks, Nevada (a suburb of Reno), to San Francisco in early April to have an abortion.
She could afford it. But want about those who cannot afford to take time off or to travel out of state? They have three choices… a backroom abortion, trying to do an abortion themselves, or to have the children.
Just hours after the U.S. Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health in June 2022, the clock began ticking for women in states harboring abortion bans and trigger laws that, upon Roe’s reversal, would be allowed to take effect. One by one, antiabortion states instituted a patchwork of polices that could make the procedure all but inaccessible depending on your state and your zip code.

It was because of her zip code that one patient, who wished to remain anonymous, drove four hours from Sparks, Nevada (a suburb of Reno), to San Francisco in early April to have an abortion.
Our bodies, our choice!
2019 Women's March on Hartford just before I gave my speech.
Tonight's Debate:

I noticed something about character.
By Nathan Layne and Trevor Hunnicutt
June 22, 2024

 President Joe Biden is hunkered down with aides at Camp David for several days to get ready to debate rival Donald Trump, who is eschewing traditional preparation and instead holding informal policy discussions between campaign stops.

The face-off in Atlanta, at 9 p.m. ET on Thursday (0100 GMT on Friday), will be the earliest presidential debate in modern U.S. history and a critical event for both candidates.

Biden, 81, and former president Trump, 78, are neck-and-neck in national opinion polls, with a considerable slice of the electorate still undecided five months before the Nov. 5 vote.

The debate will provide the starkest contrast yet of the two men, the oldest candidates ever to seek the U.S. presidency, as voters question their age and mental sharpness.

"It's an incredible test of their cognitive competence," said Patrick Stewart, a political science professor at the University of Arkansas who has written a book on presidential debates. "This is our chance to see how much they've declined or if they've declined."
And I think Trump will fail! He will be “Rambling Donny” I think his answers will be nothing but attacks Biden… one big long lies about Biden.
Biden's team will focus on refining the argument that Trump pursues extremist policies on abortion and other issues, is a danger to democracy, and is beholden to the rich donors writing him checks, a campaign official told Reuters.
And Trump will reinforce that with his ranting and lies. He is already making all types wild excuses about why he lost the debate.

It should be interesting tonight, I am going to the retirement party for the head of the Connecticut National Association of Social Workers, I have worked with him many times on different projects and committees.

What makes it interesting is the location of the retirement party, it is at the TPC where the PGA Travelers Championship is played and just finished up on last Sunday. I will probably stay until my back tells me it is time to leave.

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