Monday, June 24, 2024

Hey Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone

The Pope got a talking to about his language that he uses by students, that it is homophobic and transphobic.
Student tells Pope Francis to stop using anti-LGBTQ language
At a panel discussion between students and the pope, a student told him that his use of homophobic slurs has caused "immense pain."
NBC News
By Reuters
June 20, 2024

A student pleaded with Pope Francis on Thursday to stop using offensive language against the LGBTQ community, taking the 87-year-old pontiff to task over homophobic slurs he has allegedly used during private meetings.

Francis was twice quoted by Italian media in the last month as using the Italian term “frociaggine,” roughly translating as “faggotness” or “faggotry,” referring to priests and to the general atmosphere in the Vatican.

The Vatican issued a rare apology after the first report, but the incident sparked outrage and Vatican watchers said it had damaged Francis’ image as a reforming LGBTQ-friendly pope.
My theory is that when people use language like that is that is to them common usage, that everyone around them uses the same language. That is why they act surprised.

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