Wednesday, June 12, 2024

When Our Supporters Become The Target.

We see it all the time, our friends become the target of their anger… “You’re friends with them?” But sometimes they bite of more than they expected.
Internet Rallies Around Dolly Parton After Bizarre Right-Wing Attack
A far-right outlet accused the musical legend of pushing a “false gospel.”
The New Republic
By Edith Olmsted
June 7, 2024

Fans of 11-time Grammy Award–winning singer Dolly Parton came to her aid this week, in response to a tacky, homophobic hit piece published by a right-wing magazine.

The Federalist is a conservative outlet that has previously taken aim at Taylor Swift, accusing her of indoctrinating her listeners into man-hating feminism, a thinly veiled grievance about their inability to control the thoughts of young women. Now it’s taken aim at the Queen of Country herself, likely for much the same reason.

The newest article took issue with Parton using her Christian faith as a rationale for her acceptance of all people, including those who identify as LGBTQ+.
You know that these far right-wing Christians believe that they are the only “true” Christians!

I believe in a god but not in religion they all believe that their religion is the one true religion and if you believe in another religion you are going to hell! You can’t question their religion. I believe what is important is how you live your life and how you treat others.
The publication of this wildly homophobic tirade was timed to hitch a ride on the wave of attention Parton has received since announcing her new musical, Hello, I’m Dolly! Now, as one user on X declared, “they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.”
They called down fire and damnation but you know what it fizzled.
Christian writer apologizes for attacking LGBTQ+ ally Dolly Parton
Andersen, who self identifies as a Christian mom & Bible study leader, apologized for her attacking the Country Icon
The New Republic
By Brody Levesque
June 11, 2024

Freelance writer Ericka Andersen, who self identifies as a Christian mom and Bible study leader, in an interview with Yahoo Entertainment apologized for her attacking Country Icon, singer-songwriter Dolly Parton over her allyship and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community.

Indianapolis-based Andersen told Yahoo Entertainment on Saturday that the widespread backlash made her realize she shouldn’t have used Parton to press her argument. “I regret using Dolly as the example for the point I was making in the article,” she said.

“As I wrote in the piece, I love her and think she does some incredible things for the world. We all make poor choices in how to frame things sometimes. This was one of those moments for me! Dolly is one of the few people who is beloved by all and who loves all. The world is lucky to have her.”
Ever notice how when they get caught in their BS all of sudden they are backpedaling.
Andersen then notes:

“When asked about her diverse community of fans, Parton always mentions Christianity, saying she does her best “not to judge” and only “to love” for that reason.

But Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior (“be who you are,” she’s said), is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity. Like so many secularized spiritual leaders, Parton equates love with agreement, but the two are not reciprocal. Love doesn’t mean we must accept sinfulness as good to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.”

The Federalist was widely denounced on multiple social media platforms for its attack of the beloved Country Icon.
I think the end of the Blade article says it all,
Richmond [ A Monterey, California-based queer artist and art instructor] said: “There is nothing that exemplifies how desperate for attention and unhinged the far right has become than by this attack on America’s sweetheart. Dolly has always shown kindness and empathy for others, which is what all supposed Christians should be striving for.”

1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson6/13/24, 11:05 AM

    Apology not accepted by me. You could have and maybe you have cause harm to my comrades, friends and our LGBTQI+Communities. Just another example of how the fascists get the ball rolling to erase us.
