Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Here Comes The Judge! Breaking News…

All rise!
Here comes the honorable Judge Robert L. Hinkle…
Judge blocks Florida's transgender youth care ban for minors
The judge called the policies "unconstitutional."
ABC News
ByKiara Alfonseca
June 11, 2024

A federal judge has called Florida policies restricting gender-affirming care for minors and adults "unconstitutional," blocking the state's policies from being enforced.

"Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs," Judge Robert L. Hinkle said in the 105-page decision on Florida's SB 254 and similar Boards of Medicine rules. "But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender."

Hinkle wrote in his decision Tuesday, that bans on puberty blockers and hormone therapy for minors "even when medically appropriate" for treatment of "gender dysphoria" is "unconstitutional."

The lawsuit did not challenge the state's prohibition on surgery for minors and the decision does not address it, Hinkle wrote.
Since there have been no surgeries on minors (That is just another Republican lie to stir up anger against us.)
Hinkle also blocked parts of the Florida Board of Medicine and Board of Osteopathic Medicine rules that restrict transgender adult care, including mandatory consent forms that "include false and misleading statements" and "interfere with the physician-patient relationship and an appropriate informed consent process."

The board's rules also exclude non-physicians from administering care, require certain procedures and more follow-up appointments for all patients regardless of their individual needs, and more. These restrictions on gender-affirming care treatments, and others, have now been declared unenforcable.
Florida has said that they will appeal the ruling. This is going to the Supreme Court where the conservatives think they will win with Trump’s court.
In fairness, I have to say that I am on a committee that an appellate judge co-chairs.

This also came out this evening…
LGBTQ advocates are blasting remarks about the Pride flag from Martha-Ann Alito, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, arguing they raise serious questions about her husband’s adjudication over issues affecting their community.

“It’s fitting that Mrs. Alito’s attitudes towards the queer community are as antiquated as her flags,” said Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), chair of the Congressional Equality Caucus, in comments that referenced a series of flag controversies surrounding the Alitos.

“Many are rightfully concerned about the hyper-partisan opinions shared by both members of the Alito household, including the Justice’s ability to leave his personal political opinions at home,” Pocan told The Hill in an email. “Americans, especially women and the LGBTQI+ community, deserve to be able to trust that the Supreme Court won’t leave their rights flipped upside-down and strung up a flagpole — and right now, I’m not sure if they can.”

In comments made public Tuesday, Martha-Ann Alito lamented her neighbor’s Pride flag and expressed a desire to fly a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in protest as she was being secretly recorded by a liberal activist disguised as a conservative.

“I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag, because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month,” she said in the secretly recorded conversation at the Supreme Court Historical Society’s annual dinner on June 3.

June, during which LGBTQ Pride Month is celebrated, is also recognized by Catholics as the month of the Sacred Heart.
Thanks to Trump and McConnell we have a court that puts the Bible before the Constitution.

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