Friday, June 21, 2024

Doctor Patient Relationship

We tend to think of our doctor’s visits as sacrosanct but now our visits to our doctors are being used to hang us.
Planned Parenthood vows to fight Missouri AG push for transgender youth medical records
Lawyers representing Planned Parenthood and the Missouri Attorney General argued Monday over HIPPA protections during a St. Louis Circuit Court hearing
Missouri Independent
By: Annelise Hanshaw
June 18, 2024

A circuit court judge heard arguments Monday over whether the Missouri attorney general’s efforts to access medical records of transgender youth violate privacy protections.

Monday’s hearing was convened at the request of Bailey in the hopes that the court would amend a previous order that requires patients to waive HIPAA rights before their medical records could be shared. If they don’t waive HIPAA, their documents would be exempt from the attorney general’s request for medical records.

HIPAA, which stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, protects patients from their providers disclosing their personally identifiable health information.

St. Louis Circuit Court Judge Joseph Whyte did not immediately rule following the hearing. Richard Muniz, interim president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, said if the decision is unfavorable, his organization will appeal.
Now the Republicans are weaponizing our own healthcare against… is nothing scared?
“Our commitment to our patients is that we will fight this as long as we need to,” Muniz told The Independent. “Today, we’ve already signaled that we are going to appeal because we think that we shouldn’t have to turn over documents, especially patient records, but we shouldn’t have to partake in this investigation at all.”
If our own medial records are begin used in criminal trails against us, where will it end? Will a woman’s reproductive health be questions? Will the attorney generals’ be digging through our medical records looking for “crimes.”
He said the attorney general’s civil investigative demands, which Eddy said were titled as an investigation into the Washington University Transgender Center, “had no allegations as to Planned Parenthood’s conduct.”

“He can’t point to a single complaint from a patient, a patient’s parent,” Eddy said.

Eddy said the attorney general “had 54 incredibly broad requests for information.”

“Included in the requests are information that would be deeply sensitive to transgender minors,” he told the judge.

Muniz told reporters one of the requests was for “any document that mentions TikTok,” calling the investigation a “sprawling phishing expedition.”
This is a witch hunt! Here in Connecticut we have laws blocking attorney generals from other states from fishing expeditions but what happens when it is your own state’s attorney general going after your medical records? How can you trust that your records will remain inviolate? What does it do to your doctor patient relationship?

Then we have the case of the lying doctor’s!
A Texas doctor who calls himself a whistleblower on transgender care for minors is accused of illegally obtaining private information on patients from the nation's largest pediatric hospital who were not under his care.

Federal prosecutors said Dr. Eithan Haim, a 34-year-old surgeon, snatched the information and shared it with a conservative activist with "intent to cause malicious harm" to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.

Haim pleaded not guilty Monday in federal court to four counts of wrongfully obtaining individually identifiable health information.
We have this doctor here who believes that the ends justifies the means, that an oath he took doesn’t mean anything.
Haim, a Dallas surgeon, previously did some work at Texas Children's Hospital as part of his residency. The indictment against Haim alleges that in 2023, he asked to reactivate his login there to access information on pediatric patients not under his care, including names, attending physicians and treatment codes, then turned over the information to a media contact.
He thinks of himself as a caped crusader but in reality he is the grim reaper! He is doing irreparable harm to these children!
Haim faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine if convicted. He was released on $10,000 bond.
It should be for each record that he stole! Besides the criminal cases and jail time he should be his pants suited off.

1 comment:

  1. Time for any and every child and family to bring civil suits against all those involved in obtaining and releasing any medical records; doctors, hospitals and the government entities.
