Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday 9: People

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: People (1964)
On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Barbra Streisand sings that pride can get in the way of happy relationships. Have you found that to be true?

2) The photo on the record sleeve was taken on Chicago's Oak Street Beach, as Barbra watches the sun rise over Lake Michigan. Have you been to the beach yet this summer?
Well… it all depends on how you mean “ been to the beach” if you mean to a beach, yes I was at the beaches in town and at the National Seashore. If you mean in the water, no. The water temperature is only 68F on the ocean side and the bay side is 65F a little too cold for me.

3) Barbra performed "People" more than 1,350 times when she played Fanny Brice onstage in Funny Girl. She also did it in her Oscar-winning turn as Fanny in the film version. She performed it in her first TV special back in 1964 and in at least 510 concerts since. That's a lot of "People!" Can you think of another performer who has/had a song that is so identified with them you can't imagine seeing them in concert without hearing it?

4) Barbra got her first pet, a poodle named Sadie, as a gift from the Funny Girl behind-the-scenes crew when she was 23 years old and she's had dogs in her life ever since. Did you have pets when you were growing up?
Yes, a parakeet and a dog.

5) Barbra has always taken her Jewish faith seriously, beginning with her days at the Yeshiva of Brooklyn. 70 years later, her old school is still there. How about your grammar school? Does it still stand?
Yes, but it was am elementary school when I went to it but now it is senior center with senior housing and many of those are same children that started their education some 60 years ago.

6) She tried marijuana a couple times but didn't like it and the only alcohol she drinks is the occasional beer with her Chinese food. Are you like Barbra and generally abstain? Or do you enjoy pot and/or alcohol?
After I watched the first half hour of the debate I had two fingers worth of Amaretto over ice and smoked a bowl before I went to bed last night. I was sitting out on the deck sipping the drink and I paid for it the next day. I was wearing shorts and I got all bites right around the hem of my shorts and also on my ankles. I've been scratching like crazy and applying itch relief lotion.

7) Barbra's favorite lunch is a bowl of Campbell's condensed tomato soup. If we were to peek into your pantry, would we find any canned soup?
Yes, chicken and rice, tomato and rice, cream of celery and cream of chicken.

8) In 1964, when this song was popular, hats were, too. The Sears Spring/Summer catalog devoted six pages to ladies hats and two pages to mens. Are hats part of your wardrobe?
Yes, a number of them but I rarely wear them.

9) Random question: Which of your personality traits has gotten you in the most trouble?
My forgetfulness.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!

My take on the debate Thursday night,
So what I saw was a man who at ever drop of a hat lied even when he doesn’t have to lie and I saw another man struggling to remember facts and figures. So your choice this fall is between an old man, and a lying used car salesman that I wouldn’t buy a car from let alone run a country.


  1. I think we all needed a drink after the debate. Bill Maher’s take? He’d vote for Biden if Biden was just a head floating in a jar of blue liquid.

    1. Love Maher's comment. I"m with him.

    2. Love Maher's comment. I'm with him.

  2. #5: I think there's something very nice, very "full circle," about people retiring to the site of their grade school.
    Donald Trump made less sense than Biden, he was just louder. Take 1/6. How could it be Nancy Pelosi's "fault" that peaceful protestors were "welcomed" into the Capitol? He is ridiculous, and an existential threat. Did you hear him say he spoke to Putin after Russia invaded Ukraine? Makes that document situation a little more serious, doesn't it? Frail old Joe is our only defense against unbridled graft, greed and totalitarianism.

  3. I believe the point about Pelosi was that she acknowledged it was her responsibility to call the NG and, although being advised to do so, did not use her authority, Pelosi herself accepted responsibility for the consequences of not exercising her authority. Pelosi's comments are not hard to find.

    The debate had enough fodder for both sides. It's very difficult to hold Biden flawless or prepared. He asserted the Natl Border Patrol Union endorsed him. They quickly denied that they had. He asserted no soldiers had died during his administration. Many clearly have. He again asserted the "mighty fine people on both sides" trope when Snopes finally acknowledged just a couple days ago that was untrue. And Biden still asserted Hunter's laptop story was Russian disinformation when the DOJ entered it as evidence to convict Hunter. And it goes on and on.

    The only proposition that can be asserted confidently after this debate is that everyone's favorite politician remains imperfect.

    1. Anon, you are right. Nancy Pelosi's public statements are easy to find and I have watched her daughter's documentary, as Mr. Trump recommended. That's what informed my comment. I just don't see how the "consequences" of her actions could be that serious if all 1/6 consisted of was a collection of "peaceful protestors" that were "welcomed" into our seat of government. Mr. Trump promises that if re-elected, he will release the 1/6 "hostages." Here's something I can assert confidently: you and I don't agree on this. Thank you, Diana, for indulging me here. I appreciate that this is your "corner and would not mind one bit if you don't approve my response.

    2. With all those comments by Biden, Trump made at least 37 (according to CNN) outright lies that nobody called him on. It's a difficult decision, but there is no way I would vote for Trump.

  4. It's sad that we can't enjoy the outdoors without getting attacked my those flying menaces. I hate politics! It gets worse everyday.

  5. Too bad about the bug bites! That tends to keep me indoors. And I concur with your debate take-aways.

  6. The way the country is, and how terrible politics is, I'm glad I'm 81. I won't have to deal with it for too many more years. I feel sorry for my granddaughters.
