Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Winding Down


As the elections draws closer I hear from both sides that the economy is horrible, okay we all know that the economy sucks right now. Instead of telling us the economy is bad tell us how you are going to fix it!

Tell us you plan on cutting gas prices when world demand exceed production?

If you are saying you will cut the gas tax tell us what you are going to cut to make up for the loss in taxes? Cut funding for the roads? Cut funding to schools? What are you going to cut make up for the loss of revenue?

Tell us how you are going to conquer inflation when the economist say it is corporate profits that are driving the high prices.

Let’s face it, the global economy had its bell rung with a one two punch. First the plague hit, COVID disrupted the global supply line and causes shortages around the world driving up prices. Second Putin invaded the Ukraine and the global sanctions cut gas and oil shortages around the world.

So tell me Mr. and Ms. Politician how are you going to fix, don’t tell me that it is bad we know that we want to hear how you are going to fix it!

Politicians are great at telling us what is wrong but not how they will fix it.


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