Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Something We Never Talk About

This topic is usually taboo, it is hidden away in dark closets,
Transgender assault survivors' strength explored in the Espavo photo project at Harrisburg LGBT Center
By Kari Larsen
April 13, 2015

How does one love oneself after sexual assault? That is what a photography project, on exhibit in Harrisburg on April 17, explores within the context of the transgender community.

The Espavo Project is a series of photographs of transgender and gender non-conforming survivors of sexual assault. In collaboration with FORGE, a Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based organization that advocates for the rights of transgender people, the LGBT Community Center of Central PA is exhibiting photos from the project in their gallery.
Sexual assault is a catastrophic problem in the transgender community, which is disproportionately subject to violence compared to the general population. In Pennsylvania, where there are no state-level laws protecting transgender and non-binary people from hate crimes, transgender people are even more vulnerable.
Here in Connecticut we do have a hate crime law for gender identity/expression a long with the non-discrimination legislation. But unfortunately laws do not stop sexual assaults.

If you need support you can call CT Sexual Assault Crisis Services (Hotline: 1-888-999-5545 English & 1-888-568-8332 Español), they have trained crisis workers there to help you.

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