Sunday, August 25, 2024

Why? Why Are They Doing This To Us?

 Why do the Republicans hate us so much, all we want to do is live ourr lives in peace.

Why do they make up lies about us and then pass laws against us based on the lies. Why do they have pogroms to eradicate us? What did we do to make them do this to us?
The new policy comes two years after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sought to gather information on the number of trans Texans who'd requested sex marker and name changes.
By Lil Kalish
August 21, 2024

Transgender Texans are no longer able to update the sex marker listed on their state driver’s licenses, even if they have officially updated their birth certificates or other legal documents, according to an internal policy issued by Texas’ Department of Public Safety this week.

“Effective immediately, August 20, 2024, the Department will not accept court orders or amended birth certificates issued that change the sex when it differs from documentation already on file,” Sheri Gipson, the chief of Texas’ Driver License Division, wrote in an email reviewed by HuffPost. The Texas Newsroom, Austin’s NPR affiliate, first reported the policy change on Wednesday.
WHY? Why are they doing this to us?
“For current DL/ID holders, the sex established at the time of original application and listed in the driver record will not be changed unless there was a clerical error,” the policy stated. Texans who have already changed their gender marker will still be able to renew their driver’s licenses and IDs.

In an email with the subject line “Court Order Notice to Employees,” Gipson also wrote that all documentation about requests for court-ordered sex marker changes will be scanned and sent to the department via an internal email address, along with the customer’s name and driver’s license number.

“This email address is for internal reporting only and should not be shared with customers,” Gipson’s email stated.
To me it sounds a lot like Big Brother keeping a list to persecute us. A list of “Known Transsexuals”!

Many are fleeing the states they were lived in all their lives because of persecution.
These families are desperate to leave their anti-LGBTQ+ states — but it’s not that simple.
By Nico Lang
August 16, 2024

Bradie Anderson has been fighting to be herself for as long as she can remember. She knew she was a girl ever since she was very young, but others haven’t always seen it that way. When Bradie was 7 years old, her Catholic elementary school in Ohio gave her the choice to either pretend to be a boy or leave, so she left. And being the only out trans girl at her new public school drew the wrong kind of attention: At one point, a group of boys added her to a group chat in which they threatened to violently attack and castrate her.


The Andersons don’t know how many battles like these they can take, and they have discussed the possibility of leaving Ohio altogether, depending on the outcome of the state’s proposed trans bathroom ban. In June, the Ohio House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban trans students from using locker rooms and restrooms consistent with their identities in both K-12 schools and state-funded colleges. It still needs to clear the state Senate and get approval from the governor before becoming law, but similar policies are already on the books in 13 other states.
Why, why, why?

I remember an experiment where people were told to shock another person and they told them to increase the shock into the lethal settings and they did as told by an “official” this is like they have been given the green light to harass, bully, and discriminate against us.
“I’m not the person I used to be,” Anne Anderson said. “I’m a shell of the person I once was, just out of fear for my daughter. Nobody should have to live like that. Nobody could possibly understand until you go through something like this. You just couldn’t.”

But as the Andersons have learned, getting out of Ohio isn’t as easy as just packing up and leaving.

Many families of trans youth across the country have come to that same realization now that 25 states have passed laws restricting some or all forms of transition care to minors, whether in the form of hormone replacement therapy, puberty blockers, or surgical interventions, the latter of which are rarely performed on patients under 18. A 2024 survey from the National Center for Transgender Equality found that 47% of trans respondents had considered leaving their state following the introduction of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. But the reality is that the vast majority will not have the resources to do so.

For most households, moving is an expensive, labor-intensive process that typically requires finding employment in a new state, securing stable housing in an area with decent schools, and paying for the cost of either a moving truck or interstate shipping. Even if all those factors line up perfectly, progressive areas of the country can still be prohibitively expensive. Eight of the 10 states with the highest cost of living have policies in place protecting access to gender-affirming care, while the 10 most affordable states all have trans youth medical care bans.
Is this America?

This is not the United States that I know where people are persecuted for being themselves. 

Are the Republicans just doing it for votes. Are they just doing this for power? Is their pogrom against us is simply for them to get more votes? What does it say about them that they are will to do this to people.

What is even worst is that 50% of the people think it is okay for them to do that to us.

1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson8/25/24, 12:22 PM

    Oh Yes, First they came for the transgender people-the republicans and 50% of the people think that it is okay. Put nothing past fascists and their crew.

    It's nice that the Huff Post finally got a hold of and wind of one of the real problems happening to many transgender folks and their families living in fascists states of amerikkka.
    I would love to find out what programs does the state of Ct. have to help people who need to leave the fascist states? They claim we are safe here, and how much they love us. Perhaps the Lt. Governor who always is stating how much she loves the Trans community can lead the charge on this? What is the LGBTQI+ Communities doing to help in this process? What is the LGBT Chamber of Commerce doing? How about the liberal churches? What about our friendly business community, you know the ones who come out to Pride with their rainbow frisbees touting the most recent money-making account. Why are not all of those concerned sitting down and coming up with a program. Perhaps I am missing in action, and this is already being done. If so then there would not be articles such as this.

    And then we ask what happens when they get here? All of these friendly corporations and businesses that gladly take our money should be on the front lines to help with jobs. Far too many LGBT folks are hypnotized by the spinning colors, flavors, sounds, and aromas, the trinkets, the fluff and glitter to be real activists. It’s time that folks put aways their rainbow cookies and get back into the trenches. But alas maybe its way past time, let it sink this system is dirty. Maybe the fascists are already winning, and we just haven’t felt the knock on the door yet. We wrote about this on Furbirdsqueerly back in April 23 and no one has answered our questions yet.
