Friday, August 02, 2024

Have You Heard Of The Hatchet Job… The Cass Report?

It did a hatchet job on our healthcare which resulted in the termination of our healthcare in Britain!
British Medical Association takes aim at Cass Review
By Laurel Duggan
July 31, 2024

The British Medical Association has criticised the Cass Review for allegedly using weak methodologies to support its findings, according to a Wednesday announcement.

The BMA called for the Cass Review’s implementation to be halted, and for cross-sex medical treatments to continue “regardless of [patients’] age]”. It plans to publish a full critique at the end of the year, which is slated to focus on “weaknesses in the methodologies used in the Review and problems arising from the implementation of some of the recommendations.”


The BMA is joined by several other organisations, including a group of researchers at Yale University and a separate group of university researchers in the UK, that have criticised the Cass Review. These organisations have defended youth gender transitions, arguing that it will be used to politicise transgender health care and justify legal restrictions on gender transitions.
Over here on the other side of the pond, other are questioning the report.
The UK’s New Study on Gender Affirming Care Misses the Mark in So Many Ways
It’s like the DeSantis administration wrote it.
Mother Jones
By Henry Carnel
May 10, 2024

Five individuals sit on a stone bench looking towards a building. You can see their backs, their colorful hair, and the pride flags draped on their soulders.

Protesters gathered in August 2021 outside the office of the Prime Minister demanding an end to discrimination against the trans community in the United Kingdom.Vuk Valcic / ZUMA
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Last month, the UK’s four-year-long review of medical interventions for transgender youth was published. The Cass Review, named after Hilary Cass, a retired pediatrician appointed by the National Health Service to lead the effort, found that “there is not a reliable evidence base” for gender-affirming medicine. As a result, the report concludes, trans minors should generally not be able to access hormone blockers or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and instead should seek psychotherapy. While the review does not ban trans medical care, it comes concurrently with the NHS heavily restricting puberty blockers for trans youth.

The conclusions of the Cass Review differ from mainstream standards of care in the United States, which recommend medical interventions like blockers and HRT under certain circumstances and are informed by dozens of studies and backed by leading medical associations. The Cass Review won’t have an immediate impact on how gender medicine is practiced in the United States, but both Europe’s “gender critical” movement and the anti-trans movement here in the US cited the report as a win, claiming it is the proof they need to limit medical care for trans youth globally. Notable anti-trans group the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine called the report “a historic document the significance of which cannot be overstated,” and argued that “it now appears indisputable that the arc of history has bent in the direction of reversal of gender-affirming care worldwide.”
The problem is that our healthcare has become highly political! There is bias on both sides, but for the conservatives it has become their quest to force us back in the closet.
In the case of gender-affirming care, decades of research exists showing “gender-affirming care confers key benefits to those who desire and qualify for this care, including youth,” McNamara explains. “It would not make sense ethically to conduct a randomized control trial.” The Federal Drug Administration suggested as much last year, when it told researchers conducting a study on estrogen for trans patients not to use an RCT. That clinical study may include youth as young as 13, per suggestion from the FDA.
I was a Principal Investigator for a grant that the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition and the Hartford Health Collective (Formerly Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective) received from Yale’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA) and studying the trans community with a randomized control trial is almost impossible with trans people making up only somewhere around 0.5 to 1.0 percent of the population. The sampling base is way too small for random sampling.
The evidence supporting medical interventions for trans youth comes from primarily observational studies, meaning those conducting the research collected data on people undergoing gender-affirming medical care. These kinds of studies are used 70 percent of the time in research on health care, McNamara explains. Alex Keuroghlian, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a clinic psychiatrist and director of education at Fenway Health in Boston, emphasizes that gender-medicine providers are not making choices arbitrarily or without robust research. “It’s really setting a double standard in terms of expectations for evidence supporting medical intervention. It is not the standard we expect in other contexts,” they say.
This is what we know.
  • Puberty blockers have been used since the 1980s, over 40 years ago.
  • They have been used since then for precocious puberty. Precocious puberty is when a child starts puberty too young.
  • About 1 in 5,000 to 10,000 children are affected by precocious puberty
  • Endocrinologists mainly treat precocious puberty with GnRH analogues (i.e. Puberty Blockers)
  • Side effects such as bone health risks typically only occur with prolonged use past the age of puberty.
Now they are saying that the there is a problem with using them in trans children… Um, there is no difference between using the blockers for precocious puberty or trans children. In both cases the drug is used to temporally stop puberty.

But all of sudden the puberty blockers are being called “Unsafe” by the right-wing conservatives.

They want to make political decision about the drug and not a scientific decision.

Bad news for Trump,
Newsweek reports...
Kamala Harris is now leading her opponent, Donald Trump, in eight national polls.

RMG Research is the latest pollster to find Harris leading Trump in the national popular vote. The firm released a survey on Friday showing her with a 5-point lead (47 percent to 47 percent) over the former president. The poll was conducted among 3,000 registered voters from July 29 to July 31.

A poll conducted by Civiqs between July 27 and July 30 also showed Harris with a 5-point lead over Trump. Among 1,123 registered voters, Harris leads Trump 49 percent to 45 percent. Her lead is outside the poll's margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Harris is ahead of the Republican presidential nominee by 3 points in a poll by Leger conducted between July 26 and July 28. The poll, which surveyed 1,002 U.S. residents and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, showed she was leading Trump with 49 percent of the vote to his 46 percent. That represents a 4-point increase for the Democrat since Leger's June poll.

When third-party candidates were included in the Leger poll, Harris' lead over Trump grew to 7 points, to 48 percent, compared to the former president's 41 percent.
I imagine right about now the Trump team is popping anti-acids and running around in circles panicking dreading the wrath of Trump. Heads will roll over this, the narcissist will be blaming eveyone but himself.

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