Tuesday, August 13, 2024

He Has Our Backs

This morning I wrote about the courts stabbing us in the back up in Ohio, well the Democratic VP candidate has our back!
By Mandy Taheri
August 11, 2024 

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who was recently named as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate, has a legislative history of supporting the rights of transgender minors and gender-affirming care, which has come under fire from top Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and his running mate Ohio Senator JD Vance.

At a campaign rally in Montana on Friday, Trump, the GOP's presidential nominee, accused Walz of signing a law "letting the state kidnap children to change their gender so that they go home." Vance, during an interview with ABC News' Jonathan Karl on This Week that aired Sunday morning, backed Trump's comments, reiterating that the policy amounts to "kidnapping."
There they go again… lying! The Republican party just can’t stop lying, they make up things that make us look like monsters. Why do they lie? Because the conservative base don’t care because the lie fits in with their distorted view of reality. Their biggest distortion of reality, that being trans, or gay is a choice. That we choose to be trans, that we choose to be trans to be discriminated against, that we choose to be trans so we can get the cr*p beaten out of us.
Luke Schroeder, a spokesman for Vance, told Newsweek via email on Sunday afternoon, "The letter of this law is clear: a parent who dissents from their child receiving so-called 'gender-affirming care' can lose custody. Anyone who says otherwise is lying about the law because they know just how radical it is."
FEAR! Create fear! Their lying knows no bounds! Having their children taken away is to create fear of big government coming into their homes. It has never happened, it never will but that doesn’t stop the Republican fear machine. These big bad liberals… But it is the Republicans who want to tell us what to do with out bodies. They are the ones who want to tell you what you can do to your body.
So what exactly did Governor Walz sign that was so “horrible”?
In April 2023, Walz, who has been the state's governor since 2019, signed a Minnesota law aimed at protecting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community to access and receive gender-affirming health care—which can include a range of medical procedures and care such as surgery and puberty blockers—without intervention of out-of-state laws.

The law says court orders "for the removal of a child issued in another state solely because the child's parent or guardian assisted the child in receiving gender-affirming care in this state must not be enforced in this state," with many referring to this as a "Trans Refuge" law. It prohibits the extradition of out-of-state individuals for receiving legal case in Minnesota.

It also states if a child has been abandoned or their safety is at risk, or they are unable to obtain gender-affirming care, the "court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction."
So the law is like many other state laws which prevent the Republicans states from reaching out to force states affirming states from punishing parents and children from getting life saving care for their trans children.

My body, my choice!
My body, my choice!
My body, my choice!
My body, my choice!

Vote Blue!

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