Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Toxic Masculinity!

Every man wants to be a macho, macho man
To have the kind of body always in demand
Joggin' in the mornings, go man go
Workouts in the health spa, muscles grow
Macho Man Songwriters: Jacques Morali / Henri Belolo / Victor Edward Willis / Peter Whitehead By The Village People

Toughing up!
Don’t show any weakness!
Be a man!
Boys don’t cry!
Don’t show any emotion!
Real men don’t cry!
Real men tough it out!

These are all examples of toxic masculinity and it is running rampant in the Republican party. MSNBC writes…
Toxic masculinity refers to harmful stereotypes and expectations placed on men and boys that restrict the range of emotions they are allowed to express. It promotes the idea that men should be stoic, unemotional, and "tough" at all times.

I’m sad for Coulter and others who’ve come out of the woodwork to mock Gus expressing love for his father. One is forced to assume that Coulter, and those like her who made remarks too awful to mention, are unfamiliar with the deep, unbridled love and joy that was on display between father and son. Jealousy, they say, breeds contempt.


As a career educator, I continue to witness boys conditioned to display a toxic, aggressive version of masculinity. It’s the kind exemplified by the sort of brazen selfishness, cruelty and misogyny that was amplified during Donald Trump’s term as president.  The only appropriate response to adult men who know of no other way to be men is pity.
But stop and think for a moment about abortion? It is the domination of men telling what women can do to their bodies. It is the ultimate form of toxic masculinity!

Look at the attacks on trans people with the lens of toxic masculinity.
Do they go after trans men? No.
Do they go after lesbians? No, it is always about gay men.
They go after trans girls and women, they go after drag queens why?

Macho, macho man (yeah)
I gotta be a macho man
Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah)
I gotta be a macho

Take a look at Trump… the predator. He looks at women as objects to be conquered. PBS News
reported how he talks about women,
The footage of Donald Trump in which he brags about aggressively groping women and trying to seduce a woman who is not his wife is the latest example of crude and sexist comments made about women by the billionaire businessman and former reality TV star.


“It must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees.” — Trump to a female contestant in 2013 on an episode of “Celebrity Apprentice.”


“All of the women on ‘The Apprentice’ flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected. A sexual dynamic is always present between people, unless you are asexual.” — Trump, also from “How To Get Rich.”


“I saw a woman who was totally beautiful. She was angry that so many men were calling her. ‘How dare they call me! It’s terrible! They’re all looking at my breasts.’ So she had a major breast reduction. The good news: Nobody calls her anymore — nobody even looks — and not only that, it was a terrible job.” — Trump to Stern in 2008.
BBC writes,
With a number of women running to take on President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, the president's language about his opponents will undoubtedly be a recurring issue. But is there really a gender difference to his attacks?


"This was not an angel, this woman, okay? And there were a lot of things that she did that I didn't like."

Mr Trump added that his staff felt they had to be kind because "she's a woman - we have to be nice."

Professor Marianne LaFrance, a psychologist at Yale University, says this remark is a prime example of gendered language.

"That referencing says she's not an individual, she's not a professional, she's first and foremost a woman," Prof LaFrance says.

"One of the things that's interesting about women and language is that women are 'marked'." Men, she notes, are not usually referred to as a "male person".

"But we find it often easy and useful to describe a person first and foremost as a woman. Not a politician - she's a woman politician. You don't often say he's a male politician."
Consider, when Trump describe women he doesn't find attractive has he uses insulting terms like "fat" and "ugly" and this guy was president and wants to be again!

You can tell a macho, he has a funky walk
His western shirts and leather, always look so boss
Funky with his body, he's a king
Call him Mister Ego, dig his chains

Just look at Congress… how many Republicans in Congress are women? There are only 43 Republican women serving in the 118th Congress with 34 in the House and 9 in the Senate while there are 107 Democratic women serving in Congress with 92 in the House and 15 in the Senate.

Now tell me does looking through the lens of “Toxic Masculinity” help make sense on their animosity toward trans women? They wear glasses that distorts their view of women, it makes them fear that they might be gay if they are attracted to a trans woman. That would be the worst thing to happen to them being labeled “GAY!”
Macho, macho man (macho man, yeah)
I've got to be, a macho man (I've got to be)
Macho, macho man (yeah)
I've got to be a macho! (Alright)
When I was still working we were showing an Asian man around our shop, now the manufacturing manger was a woman and this Asian just could not follow a woman around in front of him. He was always in front of her. When she stopped the Asian man who was leading always had to race back when she stopped to explain one of our processes. It was so noticeable that it was comical.
Every man ought to be a macho, macho man
To live a life of freedom, machos make a stand
Have your own lifestyles and ideals
Possess the strength of confidence, that's the skill

And just think how impossible it will be for Trump to lose to a woman and the Republicans to have to be lead by a woman!
And look at the Republican women... Ann Coulter who thought it wrong for a man to display emotions, they have groomed her well.

Vote for the woman who can lead… vote Blue!

Along those same lines... Trump the bully.

They had already already settled it. They agreed to the same schedule and rules Trump made with President Biden. But VP Harris wants changes, an open mic.
Negotiations over the Sept. 10 spectacle have hit an impasse over whether to leave the microphones on.
By Eugene Daniels
August 26, 2024

Privately, the veep’s team believes that Harris can get Trump to lose his cool and say something impolitic on mic.

“She’s more than happy to have exchanges with him if he tries to interrupt her,” one person familiar with the negotiations tells Playbook. “And given how shook he seems by her, he’s very prone to having intemperate outbursts and … I think the campaign would want viewers to hear [that].”
 Here is where things get interesting. Trump team knows it is a trap! But will Trump take the bait?
For its part, the Trump campaign sees this all as a bait and switch. They want the ABC debate governed by the CNN rules — even though those rules were agreed to by the Biden campaign, not the Harris campaign.
I think Harris has his number, call him a wimp or chicken and I bet he will take the bait,
“But the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time. In that case, it was muted,” Trump told reporters at a stop in Northern Virginia. “I didn’t like it the last time but it worked out fine. I mean, ask Biden how it worked out — it was fine. And I think it should be the same.”
His pride and ego will make him to have an open mic. And you know he will not be able to keep from becoming a bully.

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