Sunday, August 11, 2024


Does it take actual combat to be a war veteran? Or could you be in the quartermaster corp standing behind a counter and be a war veteran? Because that is where the argument is going to between Sen. Vance and Gov. Walz

The Republicans are saying that Walz lied and it was “Stolen Valor” and they are trying to use the same argument that worked on Kerry run for president in 2004, ads by the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.”
What we know about military records of Walz and Vance
By Jake Horton & Joshua Cheetham
August 8, 2024

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz's military record has been under scrutiny since he was announced as Kamala Harris's running mate.

Historic accusations made by some veterans have been revived by his opposite number, Republican JD Vance, who himself served in the military.

Mr Vance says that Mr Walz intentionally avoided combat in Iraq by resigning shortly before his unit was deployed there, and that he has been dishonest about his role in the military.

We’ve looked into his record and the military service of Mr Vance.


Several former National Guard colleagues have previously publicly voiced frustrations at Mr Walz’s decision to leave their unit before deployment to Iraq - but others have rejected assertions that he retired to avoid combat duty.

Mr Walz served for 24 years in the Army National Guard, a military force which is usually deployed within the US to respond to events such as natural disasters, but is also part of the US Army’s reserve.

In February 2005, while he was still in the National Guard, Mr Walz filed an application to run to be elected as a member of Congress from Minnesota.
So after 24 years he retired! He was a lifer.
Mr Vance also says Mr Walz made “dishonest” claims about serving in combat in a video promoted by the Harris campaign.

During a clip in which he is talking about gun control in the US, he appears to say he carried weapons in war himself, according to the transcription from the campaign.

But what he actually meant is not entirely clear.

Mr Walz went to Italy with the National Guard in 2003 as part of support for the US war in Afghanistan - but he was never deployed to an active war zone.

Responding to this claim about Mr Walz, a Harris campaign spokesperson said: “In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times."
Then on the other side according to BBC we have…
Mr Vance served for four years in the US Marine Corps.

He was deployed to Iraq for about six months in 2005 as a military journalist, although he didn't experience combat.

“I was lucky to escape any real fighting,” he said in his 2016 memoir.

He left the Marine Corps in 2007 as a corporal to attend Ohio State University.
Newsweek reports…
"Well, I wonder Tim Walz, when were you ever in war?" Vance said. "What was this weapon that you carried into war given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq, and he has not spent a day in a combat zone?"

Vance himself served in the Marine Corps for four years, and he also never saw combat. He worked as a combat correspondent in Iraq between August 2005 and February 2006. The senator has now been widely condemned for attacking Walz's military record as his own background is scrutinized.


Alexander Vindman, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, wrote on X, formerly Twitter: "Vance enlisted & served 4 yrs, including 6 months in Iraq in 2005 as a reporter w/ a Public Affairs section of a Marine Aircraft Wing.

"Walz served 24 yrs earning 8 promotions & ending as a Command Sergeant Major, the highest NCO position. I don't think JD wants to compare records but if he insists."


Adam Kinzinger, a former Republican congressman who served in the Air Force, said while sharing Vance's comments on Walz: "OK. JD served honorably, but he wasn't kicking down doors. He was in public affairs.

"Which again, is fine and honorable. Tim, after he was eligible for retirement, retired. People do that. If it was a real problem he would have been 'stop lossed' and prevented from retiring."
The Republicans smell blood and they go into a frenzy. They don’t think things through, the go for the jugular. Especially because their candidate for president is known in some circles as “Mr. Bone Spur!”
The Republicans are facing a foe of the type that they never have seen before, Bloomberg reports,
It’s hardly surprising. Any liberal Democrat whose resume includes football coach, military veteran and sharp-shooting hunter is a challenge to MAGA mythology, which posits that liberalism and feminism threaten traditional masculinity, so you’d better vote Republican before marauding Amazons take your endangered man card away.
 Those traditional manly traits are threatening enough on their own. But if such a marksman, state-title-winning football coach and regular guy can happily play second fiddle to a Black woman running for president, then what does that say about MAGA’s efforts to reverse-engineer the 21st century? After all, if a middle-aged, heterosexual White guy who likes to hunt doesn’t have to live in constant fear of losing status and doesn’t need traditional gender and racial hierarchies to validate his life choices, then what does he need Donald Trump and JD Vance for?

That’s a terrifying question for a Republican ticket that offers little beyond resentment, rage and a promise to restrict the freedom and democratic power of its opponents. It explains why Vance immediately began smearing Walz’s military record, claiming — without evidence, of course — that Walz had “abandoned” his unit when he ran for Congress before the unit was deployed to Iraq.
I never served in the military during Vietnam. I had a student deferment, after graduation I worked making helicopters for the navy.

I respect and honor all those that served, they were willing to give their lives to the country. Whether they were in jungles of Vietnam, were a Quartermaster, or served in an Officer’s Club in Hawaii they all took the oath.

A couple of friends were drafted and they both shows that it was a matter of luck if you were in Vietnam or some non-combat role. One friend was a high school life guard, at the end of basic training they asked... "Anyone got a life guard certificate?" He raised his hand and served out his duty in Berlin Germany as life guard for the officer's club. Another friend was asked; "Anyone worked in a stable?" He raised his hand served the war as a stable hand in the Marine Corp at the Officer’s Club in Hawaii. They both could've just as easily ended up in the jungles, their number just didn't come up. The same goes for Dalz and Vance, I see them both as veterans and I don't like Sen. Vance going after Dalz's service record, it is like a bully... Ha. Ha, mine's bigger than yours!

They were willing to put their life on the line for our country, you have to respect and honor all those who put on the uniform.

This meme is circulating on Facebook... Vance should really stop tearing down others and especially since the guy you are running called veterans "losers" and got out of the draft with "bone spurs."

1 comment:

  1. "I was lucky to escape any real fighting" says it all! Enlist in the Marines or Army National Guard and you turn over your body to military superiors. Get to a combat zone and you start to realize there are people intent on killing you. Your chances of getting killed in the "rear" as it is called are not zero, but a lot less than "kicking down doors." Vance did his service in relative security of an air base. Thank you for your service. Walz did 24+ years at the direction of his superiors. The time line shows he retired before his unit was notified of deployment. He did not abandon his unit. Are men and women in the military suppose to remain in the military for the entire duration of any war? If Walz was mission critical his request for retirement could have been denied. Ask Vance why he did not extend his tour in Iraq? Vance could have extended his tour, but did not. Some could think it strange that he only served six months out of four years in a combat zone.
