Monday, August 05, 2024

They Are In A Tizzy Again!

Yep, they been set off into a frenzy again… talk about snowflakes!
Christian scolds ready to burn Disney at the stake over queer space witches on “The Acolyte”
One Million Moms has launched another boycott campaign over the show's "LGBTQ agenda."
LGBTQ Nation
By John Russell
July 14, 2024

The conservative Christian scolds of One Million Moms (OMM) have their torches and pitchforks out for Disney once again, this time over the queer space witches on Disney +’s Star Wars drama series, The Acolyte.

“Alerting all parents!” a petition posted July 2 on the anti-LGBTQ+ organization’s website warns. “Currently available to stream on Disney+, Disney’s latest series, Star Wars: The Acolyte [sic], pushes the LGBTQ agenda and witchcraft.”

The latest Star Wars streaming series from out showrunner Leslye Headland (co-creator of Netflix’s Russian Doll) centers on a pair of “Force sensitive” twins played by out actor Amandla Stenberg. Response to The Acolyte has been polarized: Reviews from critics have been largely favorable, while the franchise’s most toxic fans have blasted the show for its revisionist take on Star Wars lore and its centering of non-white, non-male characters.

OMG! Oh My Gosh! Blasphemy... they said Acolyte!!!!

Um… what is an Acolyte by the way?
Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

: one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor duties
So what is Christian about that? Why do they think that they have the corner of the word?

Me thinketh that thou dost protest too much.
According to OMM, “This exclusively gay moment makes it apparent where Disney+ stands in the culture war – if parents were not already aware of the media company’s cultural stand.”

“Parents presume that a streaming platform such as Disney+ is designed for children and is the last place parents would expect their children to be confronted with content regarding sexual orientation and sorcery,” the petition continues.

That assertion, of course, is absurd on its face. While the company’s vast library of children’s content is front-and-center on Disney+, the platform has for years also streamed films and TV series aimed at adults. And Disney’s animated films from Snow White to Frozen have depicted witches and “sorcery.”
GROOMERS! Groomers! OMG!
One Million Moms’ latest campaign asks supporters to tell Disney that they “disagree with the LGBTQ agenda and witchcraft” the company is “pushing on families” in The Acolyte. According to the organization’s site, the petition has so far received over 15,000 signatures.
Witchcraft! They are pushing witchcraft on our children! For shame, for shame!

You know, I have to wonder what type of life they live? I wonder if they ever read science fiction? There are thousands and thousands books that have Acolytes in them and thousands about witchcraft. I am listening to one right now that have “Gods” in them that’s right plural.

They do not watch them and they think that they can prevents others from watching them just because it is again their religion so nobody else can read them.

The Christian Post also chastised the show
The group contends that such themes are not only inappropriate for a platform widely regarded as child-friendly but also indicative of a larger agenda by Disney to engage in the cultural war rather than provide neutral, family-oriented entertainment.

“Disney+ has been under pressure from the gay community to portray openly gay relationships in its TV shows and movies, including those created for families,” the group said in a statement.

This new series seems to be a response to those demands, with its overtly lesbian storyline — a move that has not gone unnoticed by parent groups, said One Million Moms, which has responded with a call to action, urging parents to sign a pledge boycotting Disney and Disney+ unless the company recommits to producing content that aligns with traditional family values.
It seems to me that it is the other way around! They are not succumbing to pressure from the left but rather giving the audience what they want but rather they are not succumbing to your arm twisting.

Beware! Beware!

If you read Project 2025 tell how the Republicans will ban books!!! This is on their wishlist.

Lit Hub writes,
The Republicans’ Project 2025 is disastrous for books.
James Folta
By James Folta
July 25, 2024

If you’ve been following political news, you’ve likely heard about Project 2025, the massive conservative “wish list for a Trump presidency.” The 900-page document is a blueprint for an authoritarian, Christian nationalist America, created by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank that has influenced many of America’s most regressive and conservative policies since the Nixon administration.

Project 2025 is pitching a horrifying vision of America and American government. BBC’s succinct explainer breaks down the Project’s more eye-popping proposals, including “expanding the power of the president, dismantling the Department of Education, sweeping tax cuts, a ban on pornography, halting sales of the abortion pill, and more.”

What does this document have to say about books? Maggie Tokuda-Hall, author and a co-founder of Authors Against Book Bans, shared some of the Project’s extreme proposals on Bluesky.

Authors Against Book Bans single out a shocking line from early in Project 2025’s manifesto:

“Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children…has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women.”

And breaks down what this would mean in practice:

“Translation: All LGBTQ+ content will be regarded as pornography. This is already the pernicious lie being used to ban books all over the nation. First Amendment rights will not apply, meaning we will no longer have freedom of speech to protect us.”
They end with...
 Readers, writers, and anyone who believes in freedom of expression or art, should be worried Project 2025’s incendiary plans for books.
This is not from a far-left news outlet but…
Literary Hub is an organizing principle in the service of literary culture, a single, trusted, daily source for all the news, ideas and richness of contemporary literary life. There is more great literary content online than ever before, but it is scattered, easily lost—with the help of its editorial partners, Lit Hub is a site readers can rely on for smart, engaged, entertaining writing about all things books. Each day—alongside original content and exclusive excerpts—Literary Hub is proud to showcase an editorial feature from one of its many partners from across the literary spectrum: publishers big and small, journals, bookstores, and non-profits.
But Project 2025 is the bucket list for the Republicans.

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