Monday, August 12, 2024

It Is Spreading!

Just like the 1930s, it is just like it now in Eastern Europe… it is becoming scary for the likes of us!
Human rights activists have called on the EU to clamp down on Bulgaria after MPs voted through an amendment to ban the promotion of LGBTQ+ "propaganda" in schools.
By Euronews
August 8, 2024

Bulgaria has passed a law banning LGBTQ+ "propaganda" in schools, in a new blow to human rights that advocacy groups and campaigners have widely condemned.

The amendment to Bulgaria's education law, voted through by parliament on Wednesday, bans the "propaganda, promotion, or incitement in any way, directly or indirectly, in the education system of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity other than the biological one."

Members of parliament approved the draft law with a large majority, giving it 159 votes in favour, 22 against, and 12 abstentions.

The amendment, suggested by the country's pro-Russian far-right Vazrazhdane party, also introduced a definition of "non-traditional sexual orientation" — which is being explained as contrary to Bulgaria's legal concept of "emotional, romantic, sexual or sensual attraction between persons of opposite sexes".
Hmm… where have we seen this before? I have seen this twice before.

Russia and the Republican states here in America.

Think on that for awhile.
LGBTQ+ people and their allies have rallied outside Bulgaria’s national assembly building to denounce an amendment to a law which will ban so-called LGBTQ+ propaganda in schools.
Pink News UK
By Sophie Perry
August 9, 2024

The update to the country’s 2020 Pre-school and School Education Act, proposed by the pro-Russian Vazrazhdane Party, was passed on Wednesday (7 August) by 159 votes to 22, with 12 abstentions.

The amendment outlaws the “propaganda, promotion or incitement in any way, directly or indirectly in the education system” and now defines “non-traditional sexual orientation” as “different from the generally accepted and established notions in the Bulgarian legal tradition of emotional, romantic, sexual or sensual attraction between persons of opposite sexes”.
We seen the same laws in Russia and here in Florida and other Republican states.
After the amendment was passed, queer rights group Deystvie said “Bulgaria is following in Russia’s footsteps”, with lawyer Denitsa Lyubenova saying the new law “implicitly foreshadows a witch-hunt and sanctions any educational efforts related to LGBTQ people in school”.
Stirring up hatred against us, fear of those who are different, where have wee seen this before? The 1930s?
In October 2022, a report by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance called on the Balkan nation’s leaders to crack down on anti-LGBTQ+ behaviour.

The report, focused on addressing inequality in Bulgaria, identified the LGBTQ+ community, as well as Roma people [Previously known as Gypsies] , as “the main victims of public expressions of hatred and prejudice” in the country. However, last year, the Supreme Court.
It is almost like the former Soviet Black nations want to go back to their authoritarian roots.

 The far right around the globe are being stirred up by politicians, it is not just here in the U.S. but all the western countries. It is being spurred by the forced migration from poverty and war-torn countries.
Far-right riots are ravaging the UK. Why are they happening now?
The Christian Science Monitor
By Katie Marie Davies Contributor    
August 7, 2024

When a crowd of far-right rioters descended on a budget hotel in the British town of Rotherham Sunday, it had one target in mind: the tens of asylum-seekers living inside. First, the rioters blocked the emergency exits. Then, they tried to set fire to the building.

The Rotherham attack was not an isolated incident. On the same day in the town of Middlesbrough, 90 miles north, rioters blocked the roads, only allowing drivers who were “white and English” to pass. Farther south, in the town of Tamworth, a second mob targeted a hotel housing migrants, hurling petrol bombs and wounding a police officer.

As the United Kingdom grapples with the wave of racist, anti-migrant, and Islamophobic violence – which began after far-right groups falsely claimed that a Muslim migrant had been responsible for the fatal stabbing of three children in the town of Southport on July 29 – many are in shock. Mosques and businesses have been repeatedly attacked, and a library in Liverpool torched. Police are preparing for more riots Wednesday night in as many as 30 locales, according to reports.


New messaging for the far right

Part of what made this weekend’s violence so disturbing was the openness of its prejudice and hatred. Racist and Islamophobic slurs were scrawled on walls and shouted in the streets.

“For a long time, obvious racism, like chants or the graffiti, has been consigned to the margins [of the far right],” says Aurelien Mondon, a lecturer focusing on racism and mainstreaming of the far right at the University of Bath. “It was a social taboo.”
It is the politicians who are stirring the flames, they are using the unrest for votes!
Media coverage has in turn impacted public discourse and policy. In April 2022, then-Prime Minister Rishi Sunak unveiled plans to remove asylum-seekers to Rwanda while their applications were being processed. Accommodation for refugees – and its cost – have been mainstay topics in Parliament and in newspaper headlines, leading ministers to start housing prospective asylum-seekers on a windowless barge. Meanwhile, in the U.K.’s recent general election in July 2024, both of the country’s major political parties, the incumbent Conservatives and the then-opposition Labour Party, made promises to be “tough on immigration” as part of their election campaign.
Sound familiar?

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