Thursday, August 01, 2024

Vengeance Is Mine Saith The Republicans!

They passed laws in Florida banning our precipitation in school sports, a mom let her trans daughter play in school sports and the long arm of the Republican law reached out and grabbed her!
A Florida school employee who let her transgender daughter play on her high school’s girls volleyball team is being suspended for 10 days after the district’s board found on Tuesday that she violated state law but said firing her would be too severe.

The Broward County school board voted 5-4 to suspend without pay Jessica Norton ‘s employment at Monarch High School, where her 16-year-old daughter played on the varsity volleyball team the last two seasons. She can also no longer work as a computer information specialist but must be given a job with equal pay and responsibility.
Notice that the mother was in no way responsible anything with sports in her job!

What would they have done if she worked for a business instead of the school system? Require the company to punish her in some way?
Norton, who was removed from the school after the violation was discovered in November and then placed on paid leave, called the vote an “incorrect decision” but said it was better than being fired. She said she wasn’t sure if she would accept the punishment and return to work. She wanted to talk it over with her daughter, who left the school even though she had been her class president and a homecoming princess. Maybe they could return together, she said.
Notice what the students think… “class president and a homecoming princess” those are elected positions by the student body! The kids get it, the grown-up don’t!
Hixon said she wanted Norton moved from her job as a computer information specialist because in that position she could learn of another transgender student who was playing girls sports and might not report that to administrators.
How does he know that the new person he puts in her place would not do the same thing? Is he going to require a loyalty test for the new employee?

Why did the school board take such harsh treatment against the mom?
Still, Hixon said, Norton put the district in a legally difficult spot by falsely attesting her child was born female on her state athletic eligibility form. The Florida athletic association fined Monarch $16,500 for violating the act, put the school on probation, and the district could be sued under the act if another student believes she was kept off the volleyball team and lost scholarship opportunities because of Norton’s daughter.
The most common reason… revenge!

Okay, I have a question for all you legal people out there.

It appears to me that Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) should have been a private session or the names not used.

The Advocate has an article about states and teaching stuff about us, the LGBTQ+ community.
Connecticut is a special case — it is the only state in the country where law requires the education department to create LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, but does not require schools to use it.
You see it is like this.

Each town has rule over it own school systems, so there are 169 fiefdoms in Connecticut and woe be to anyone who interferes with their silo. Any Don Quixote who wants to tilt their windmills be prepared for battle! They don't have to adopt LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum but if the school system doesn't follow the GIE non-discrimination laws they can be subjected to law suits.

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