Thursday, August 29, 2024

We Cannot Be Overconfident.

That is the trap we cannot fall into, no matter what the polls say, this election is going to be determined by who can motive their base and independents to get out the vote.
The Hill
By Brooke Migdon
August 27, 2024

Former President Trump and other Republicans are casting Vice President Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as left-wing radicals whose administration would initiate a seismic cultural shift meant to undermine conservative values, especially when it comes to advancing protections for transgender Americans.

It’s a strategy meant to excite conservative voters and win over parts of the center, but surveys suggest it risks backfiring, with LGBTQ people and their allies using threats and misinformation spread as a rallying cry to drive voters to the polls for Democrats.
Wait a minute! Who is using “threats and misinformation”? Does she mean that we are using the threats and misinformation that the Republicans are making against us as a counterpoint? Like “Look at all those lies about us that the Republicans are making!”
Trump during an appearance on “Fox & Friends” this month called the Democratic ticket of Harris and Walz “communist” and, while describing Walz’s ideology, said Walz is “heavy into transgender” in an apparent reference to new Minnesota laws that outlaw conversion therapy and protect seekers and providers of gender-affirming health care from prosecution by states with bans in effect.
Do you remember ballot Question 3in Massachusetts back in 2018 how it passed with 67% of the vote, the Republicans think that everyone hates us but it is only the Republicans who are in an echo chamber.
“If we take a look at surveys that ask voters what their priorities are, trans rights are usually not very high,” Magni said. “There is a group of voters for whom that is a very high priority, and it’s not just transgender folks, not just trans voters, but it’s also their families, whose lives have been impacted by the decisions made by different states in the last couple of years. These voters are highly motivated to show up.”
Harvey Milk was right… Come out, come out wherever you are!
Gay people, we will not win our rights by staying quietly in our closets…we are coming out! We are coming out to fight the lies, the myths, the distortions! We are coming out to tell the truth about gays!

For I’m tired of the conspiracy of silence. I’m tired of listening to the Anita Bryants twist the language and the meaning of the Bible to fit their own distorted outlook. But I’m even more tired of the silence from the religious leaders of this nation who know that she is playing fast and loose with the true meaning of the Bible. I’m tired of their silence more than of her biblical gymnastics!
We make a difference when people know us. Just by being out and being ourselves we bring about change and that’s why Trump and Company fear us and want us back in the closet. They fear school children when they know trans people they will see through the Republican lies.
“LGBT people are seeing that there is one party who is treating us like decent human beings, and there is another party who is putting a target on our backs, and that is highly motivating,” said Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, executive director of Advocates for Trans Equality, a transgender rights group that has endorsed Harris. “LGBT people are now disproportionately turning out to vote, and to vote for Democrats as a party who has our back.”
It is not just us who are motivated to vote Blue… but also our families, our friends, and the whole LGBTQ+ community… that is over 15% of the population! Come out, come out wherever you are and VOTE!
A survey of transgender Americans conducted by Heng-Lehtinen’s group in 2020 and published in February found that trans people are more likely to be politically engaged, with more than 80 percent of voting eligible respondents reporting they were registered to vote in the 2020 presidential election. 

Seventy-five percent of voting eligible respondents said they cast a ballot that year, compared with 67 percent nationwide, the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, according to the Census Bureau.
Democratic leaders in public statements and conversations on the convention floor promised to protect LGBTQ rights, though transgender issues were rarely talked about outright, and a trans speaker was notably absent from the stage. Anti-transgender rhetoric took on a much more prominent role during July’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where prominent GOP figures railed against trans peoples’ pronouns and criticized the inclusion of transgender athletes in women’s sports. 

“Both parties have centered LGBTQ people this year — one for the better, one not so much,” said Kierra Johnson, president of the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund, an organization dedicated to building queer political power.
We vote and we vote Blue! But this election will only be won by a few percentage points, we cannot be complacent we have to Vote and get our friends to vote and to vote Blue.

You see it in Caitlyn Jenner, embracing the Republican party. She thought she could be the next Republican governor of California. Then there is the Republican candidate for office in Middletown who is far right. At the cities public meeting she said,
...She is here to support Jon Pulino. She has seen nothing that is homophobic, transphobic, or anything of that nature, including the cable access show in question. She is just amazed that Nigel Macon Wilson is being called racist. It's unbelievable, but then again, she is called transphobic, as well. There is no homophobic and transphobic anywhere from our Middletown Republicans…
You can read about these “'Some Very Fine” people them here and here.

So I just don’t understand why people vote against their own best interest is it because of internalized transphobia? Is it that they have blinders on and believe the party is more accepting of LGBTQ+ people than it actually is? Is it because they align more closely with Republican fiscal policies, tax plans, or views on government regulation? Is it because I had Gender Confirming Surgery, everyone else are just men in dresses? Is it because they put “Me” before “Us”?
Then you have the fact that they want these on the city's LGBTQ+ council, why? To disrupt it?

Trump is above the law! He just ignored the law about making political ads in national cemeteries.
NPR News
By Stephen Fowler
August 29, 2024

Former President Donald Trump shared a TikTok video including footage from Arlington National Cemetery that likely violates a federal law against using military cemeteries for campaigning purposes. NPR previously reported Trump campaign staffers had a physical altercation with an Arlington National Cemetery staffer on Monday over the restriction.

It’s not the first time Trump has been accused of politicizing the military, but the campaign is seeking to downplay what happened in the aftermath.


But the Trump campaign was not authorized to film or photograph in Section 60, federal law prohibits the use of military cemeteries for campaign events and two campaign staffers got in a physical and verbal altercation with the Arlington staffer that tried to prevent the filming.
The law means nothing to him. He does whatever he pleases.

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