Sunday, August 04, 2024

I Hope…

That schools get their pants sued off of them, that they have to walk around wearing a barrel.

They are forcing students to attend public schools with Christian religious teaching on the walls!
Editorial: Religious freedom under attack in Oklahoma schools
LA Times
By The Times Editorial Board
Aug. 1, 2024

For people who supposedly revere the Founding Fathers, some Christian conservatives seem to have no problem ignoring one of their most abiding principles: the separation of church and state. Now the chief of schools in Oklahoma is demanding that all public schools teach the Bible from grades 5 through 12, saying it is necessary for an understanding of the country’s history. It is more of an attempt to ignore much of that history.


While he didn’t say it explicitly, Walters’ [Supt. of Public Instruction] language strongly implies the very thing that the 1st Amendment sought to prevent: that the United States be governed as a Christian nation. It is certainly the predominant faith in the country, but the Constitution prohibits religion from being imposed on others by popular vote or political mandate.
Remember on January 6, 2011 when the Republicans in Congress raised their little copies of the Constitution as a symbolic gesture to emphasize their commitment to constitutional principles. But they seemed to have never gotten to the First Amendment!
The careful wording can’t mask what is clearly an effort by Christian conservatives to blur the line between church and state in the classroom, especially in a country that is growing in religious diversity. It goes alongside the Louisiana governor’s recent order to place the Ten Commandments in public schools and a recent decision by Oklahoma’s state board to approve a Catholic charter school. Charter schools are privately operated but publicly funded, and the state Supreme Court rejected the use of taxpayer money for a religious school.
You know the Republicans are two faced they totally ignore the laws they don’t like. This will end up in the Supreme Court will they pull another rabbit out of a hat like they did in the Kennedy v. Bremerton School District where they allowed a football coach to kneel at midfield after games to offer a quiet prayer of thanks.

If it goes to the Supreme Court it will be place your bets and spin of the roulette wheel.

In Oklahoma, schools are saying... wait a minutes for the Ten Commandments in the classrooms,
Since State Superintendent Ryan Walters’ directive requiring the incorporation of the Bible in Oklahoma classrooms in June, school districts have been questioning the superintendent’s legal authority to mandate the instructional materials.
By Beth Wallis
July 29, 2024

Asked to weigh in on the mandate at the time, the attorney general’s office said Oklahoma law already allows Bibles in the classroom and enables teachers to use them in instruction. The office said it did not read Walters’ memo to school districts as requiring the Bible to be taught.

Oklahoma law leaves determining “instruction, curriculum, reading lists and instructional materials and textbooks” up to the exclusive purview of school districts.
The Hill wrote,
Educators in Oklahoma are refusing a state order to incorporate the Bible into their lesson plans, setting up an inevitable showdown with the start of the school year just weeks away.


“To date, schools have been advised by legal counsel (School Board Association and State Attorney General) to not follow the guidance because it goes against current Oklahoma State Law,” said Lee Northcutt, superintendent of Caddo Public Schools, in an email.

The day the guidance was released, a lawsuit was filed against Walters by Joseph Price, a resident of Mayes County. Price says in the suit he is “a concerned citizen and parent of children attending public schools in Oklahoma,” adding that the order violates the separation of church and state.

In a statement to The Hill, a spokesperson for Walters said, “Oklahoma school districts are required by state law to teach the historical significance of the Bible. Superintendent Walters will hold teachers and administrators accountable. Rogue, left-wing activists who refuse can leave Oklahoma and go to California.”
Um... I don't know how to tell you this, the law doesn't work that, you are the one who is breaking the law, not the person who is complaining about the law.
“Our history teachers have always incorporated religious texts as part of that full study, because it is important to do that, but that’s kind of where the line has to be drawn,” Miller said.
  Um... once again, if you want to teach how religious books influenced history that is fine, however, you cannot just use one religious book you also need to include the Islamic holy books, Quran, Hadith, and the Tafsir; the Hindu holy scriptures  the Holy Vedas; for the Theravada Buddhists it is the Tripitaka while Mahayana Buddhists revere the Mahayana Sutras, and of course for Christians you just can't use the Kings James version, you have to include New American Standard Bible, The Message, English Standard Version (ESV), if you only use the KJV then you will be endorsing that religion.

When you are racist, you use racist language around your friends but sometimes you forget and use it in your daily speech. You forget that it is racist.
By Zac Anderson
August 3, 2024

"I think we’re starting to see the old Trump that a lot of Republicans got tired of in 2020, got tired of defending him,” Vermont GOP Chairman Paul Dame told USA TODAY, adding: “If the next three months is defined by more examples like this I think he’s going to see some of that soft centrist support deteriorate."
Trump is going on the defensive, which consist of name calling and lies.
For his part, Vance must avoid "losing President Trump's confidence," said Marc Short, who served as chief of staff for former Vice President Mike Pence. “(Trump) forms opinions quickly too, so I think that’s probably a bigger risk.”
Vance better watch out when Trumps senses he is losing he will strike out at anyone to blame instead of himself.
His view is shared across large parts of the GOP, which sees plenty of solid openings to go after the Biden-Harris administration this summer and fall by talking about Democratic policies. “Rather than focusing on those positions, or on the border crisis or on inflation we’re debating whether she’s Indian American or African American,” Short said. “Seems a missed opportunity to me.”
 Remember JD that Trump goes for the back when he feels betrayed.

Update: 8/6 @ 9:00AM

I just came across this article on AP News, in an article about the Louisiana arguing to dismiss a law suit about the Ten Commandments...
Lawmakers also specified which version of Ten Commandments be used — a condensed version of the Scripture passage in Exodus. It has ties to “The Ten Commandments” movie from 1956, and it’s a variation of a version commonly associated with Protestants.
So the Bible that they are pushing is used by the evangelical Christians!

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