Sunday, August 25, 2024

This Says A Lot!

About the people who are Republicans… they talk a lot about family values but they would make fun of a disabled person.
Gus Walz broke the internet with his tearful love for his dad. Then the bullying began
USA Today
By Michael Collins and Sam Woodward
August 22, 2024

A tearful, unscripted moment between Tim Walz and his 17-year-old son, Gus, has unleashed a flood of praise and admiration – but also prompted ugly online bullying.

Gus Walz, who has a nonverbal learning disorder as well as anxiety and ADHD, watched excitedly from the front row of Chicago’s United Center and sobbed openly Wednesday night as his father, the Democratic nominee for vice president, delivered his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.


Walz followed up by expressing his love for his family from the stage, saying, "Hope, Gus and Gwen, you are my entire world. And I love you."
Now that is family values and look what the Republicans said and did about him.
But the show of affection triggered a swath of snark and ugly comments on social media, many from MAGA supporters of former President Donald Trump, who faces Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and Walz in November.

Conservative columnist and right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter mocked the teenager’s tears. “Talk about weird,” she wrote on X. The message has since been deleted.

Mike Crispi, a Trump supporter and podcaster from New Jersey, mocked Walz’s “stupid crying son” on X and added, “You raised your kid to be a puffy beta male. Congrats.”

Alec Lace, a Trump supporter who hosts a podcast about fatherhood, took his own swipe at the teenager: “Get that kid a tampon already,” he wrote, an apparent reference to a Minnesota state law that Walz signed as governor in that required schools to provide free menstrual supplies to students.
That’s the Republican family values. The British newspaper Independent wrote about Ann Coulter reply,
“Talk about weird…” Coulter wrote above the news article.


The founder of the gun safety groups, Moms Demand Action and Everytown, Shannon Watts, wrote on X: “I am neurodivergent. When I was 14, I was diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, and several learning disorders, including dyscalculia.”

“We’re not weird, we’re wonderful. And we’re your family, friends, and fellow Americans.”
In Variety
“Jesus. What ass-wipes,” Ana Navarro wrote in an Instagram post that featured Coulter’s deleted comment. “Of course Republicans and Trumpers on social media taking shots at Gus Walz. You have to be a special kind of heart-less mutant to attack a 17 year-old special needs kid -not involved in politics- for the simple act of expressing love for his father.


 Rosie O’Donnell reacted to Coulter’s remark by writing: “Talk about a cruel heartless woman – she’s the worst.”

“There is a special place in Hell for adults who bully Children,” added Star Jones. “God does not like ugly … and he ain’t [too] fond of vile and disgusting women who use their vast platform to vilify the vulnerable. #DoBetter.”
Yeah, but look at Trump when he made fun of the disabled reporter... " performed an impression of Serge Kovaleski, who suffers from a congenital joint condition, at a rally."

Slate writes,
To those of us watching at home, the poignant moment built slowly—then happened all at once. Wearing a suit that was a little too big and a slightly loosened tie, young Gus stood in the audience and cheered, alongside mom Gwen and sister Hope, as his father talked about public school teachers and respecting individual privacy. As Walz shared with the country the fertility struggles he and his wife had endured, Gus sat silently, his mother’s arm around him. “Hope, Gus, and Gwen, you are my entire world, and I love you,” Walz told his family. The line once again brought Gus to his feet, and his lips started quivering. Applauding along with the arena crowd, Gus put his hand on his heart, pointed to his dad onstage, and shouted “I love you!” in return. “That’s my dad!” he then declared proudly and tearfully three times to those around him.


When Gus wept on Wednesday night, he became a paragon of something bigger than him: an evolved sense of manhood—or boyhood. Other young men across the country could see in Gus the catharsis that can come from defying any stereotypes and expressing this love publicly and with pride. Gus’ tears might be his greatest secret power yet.
Now those are my family values are love, respect and acceptance.

You know when a family is untied like that, that is brings the country together, love.

Another family is brought together by love and acceptance.
The NBA Hall of Famer was presented with the Elevate Prize Catalyst Award for his advocacy for the trans community
By Liam Quinn
May 23, 2024

Dwyane Wade racked up a number of accolades during his Hall of Fame NBA career. Now, he’ll need to make room for another award — this time for his advocacy work done off the court.

Wade, 42, was presented with the Elevate Prize Catalyst Award on Thursday, May 23, in Miami, where he spent most of his Hall of Fame NBA career with the Miami Heat. The 13-time All-Star received the award for his advocacy work for the transgender community. Wade, who has turned down several honors prior to this one, says this new accolade stands separate from his basketball achievements.


“You will hope as a parent that your kids feel comfortable to communicate with you when they're confused and they're looking for answers,” Wade says. “Whatever it is they are experiencing, that they feel comfortable enough to express those things to you. You won't want it to be someone else. At the end of the day, they're your kids. But you have to create the environment for that.”
This morning I asked why, why do they hate us... isn't love so much better?

I read about all the violence that is directed towards us when we have never done anything to them. It is about showing respect for other. They say it against their religion but what religion is based in animosity? It is not their religion that hates us, it is them who hide then animosity toward us behind their religion.

I'm voting for the party that is all about love and not about hate.

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