Friday, August 30, 2024

Life On A Sandbar


Just like that the traffic died down and “No Left Turn*” rule vanishes. There are no lines at take-out places. But this weekend we will get another rush of cars coming on the Cape followed a couple of days later a rush to get off Cape. It is kind of like the tide.

There will be a wave of people around Columbus Day, that is followed by some more waves for “Women’s Week”, then “Trans Week”, and then “Bear Week”. So you wonder what is Bear Week? Well it is when hairy chested and beaded men desend upon P’town.

Such is life on a sandbar with the ebb and flow of the tides.

*During the peak summer season traffic is backed up in both directions and it is easier to make a right turn. Then take the next left turn, make a U-turn and then a right back on to the main road. That way you only have to cross one lane at a time.

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