Monday, August 12, 2024


Our roots are gone.

That I think has brought about a change in society. America was born under a wandering star.
I was born under a wandrin' star
I was born under a wandrin' star
Wheels are made for rollin'
Mules are made to pack
I've never seen a sight that didn't look better looking back.
Wand'rin' Star Songwriters: Alan Jay Lerner / Frederick Loewe

We are a nation of immigrants, unless you have indigenous blood in you we all came from someplace else.
Our ancestors packed up and hugged their parents goodbye and came to America. But then they established roots in the new country. When I was in school there were still kids who’s great – great – great grandfather who had a brook named after them.
We moved. We moved when I was little.
I was born under a wandrin' star
Mud can make you prisoner, and the plains can bake you dry
Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry
Home is made for comin' from, for dreams of goin' to
Which with any luck will never come true
I was born under a wandrin' star
I was born under a wandrin' star

We were cutoff from our roots, family became only someone you see on holidays.

Cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandparents… they are all part of the family. Yes, we have our chosen families but they lack the history. The shared histories.

Roots are important. Roots passes on heritage, tradition, it creates a sense of identity “We are the __________  clan!” Roots passes our culture. It teaches us right from wrong. It satisfies our need for belonging and attachment.

 Roots help shape identity, who we are.

I see we have lost our roots.
Do I know where hell is?
Hell is in hello
Heaven is goodbye for ever, it's time for me to go
I was born under a wandrin' star
A wandrin' wandrin' star


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