Saturday, August 24, 2024

Life On A Sandbar

I’ve gotten to be able to tell the tides by the traffic, I recognize certain pickup trucks but mostly by the pickup traffic. When the pickup trucks are heading toward the tidal flats, the tide is going out and conversely if they are coming from the flats the tide is coming in.

You probably like me thought that they just left the oysters there and came back in four years and harvested the oysters… nope.

It is actually a lot of work. They buy baby oysters and put them in a small cage in the water on the tidal flats. They are constantly picking oyster as the get bigger and move them up to the next size cage, until they become legal size to harvest.

I also understand in winter they take them out of the open ocean to a more temperature control water. And the town where I have my cottage has some of the best oyster beds in the world! One store boasts...
Wellfleet oysters are among the most well-known, classic New England oysters owing to their high salinity and fresh, briny ocean flavor. Our Wellfleet Oysters are available for shipping year-round.
Oysters clean the water! Like clams they filter the water for nutrients like algae and phytoplankton. Neat!

I was thinking about getting my residential shellfish license, you get to harvest one 10-quart basket a week of mixed shellfish. For me being a senior it would be $30 for the license.

I have company this weekend so posts will be pre-written.

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