Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Six – Episode 281

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 281

1. What single thing were you most afraid of as a child?
Wow, you’re asking me to remember back almost sixty years

2. Do you feel like you’ve been able to overcome this fear or does it still bother you?
I guess I have since I’m not afraid of thing that go bump in the night.

3. If you’re alone in the house on a “dark and stormy night,” and there’s a scary movie on TV, are you likely to watch or avoid it?
I’m not a fan of scary movies. If I did watch it, it wouldn’t scary me.

4. If you were to watch it, would it make you have any trouble at all in getting to sleep?
No, I would have no problem getting to sleep because of the movie. I’ll just have my usual problem falling to sleep.

5. Take the quiz:
Do You Have the Fears of a Child or an Adult?

You Have the Fears of a Teenager

You are still finding your footing in the world, and a lot fear stems from your own insecurity.
You feel ready to be more independent and successful, but you're worried if you can really do it.

You fear failure, and you also fear humiliating yourself. The less confident you are, the more afraid you are.
Over time you are learning that everyone is afraid... you just have to act as if you're not!

This quiz didn’t really ask any questions that pertained to me. I’m not worried about my parents dying, they died over 5 years ago. I not worried about having any kids, I’m over sixty, I’d worried more if I did have kids at my age.

6. What is your biggest fear now that you’re an adult?
That a bigot with a 2 by 4 would take his transphobia out on me one dark night.

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