Monday, August 03, 2009

Manic Monday #178

Lisa’s Manic Monday #178

Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe?
Since I do not do much that causes me to sweat (Sitting at a keyboard is not that physically demanding), I would choose going without bathing.

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

There was a new show on ABC last night called “Defying Gravity” where they are on a six year space journey to visit all the planets. I wouldn’t mind being trapped on a spaceship for a month.


  1. There is no way I could last in space for a month. Or five minutes.

    Great mutterings.

  2. Oooh, yuck, trapped in a space ship...this could explain the lack of motivation for becoming an astronaut. ;-)

    I may have to check out the show, though....

    (I'm tellin' ya, Kwiz: we are the SAME PERSON! lol)
