Sunday, March 02, 2025

Woke Is Dead!

The other day I had a comment on my "Woke Is Dead" post, if I had to guess it was from a right-wing gamer. Their comment (See we used "their" singly!) was " But Woke is actually dead. Have fun, old, fat, loser NPC."

Woke is not dead!
  • The courts have ruled in our favor in R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC & Aimee Stephens (2020) where they ruled for in favor of the trans woman,
  • Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District (2017): The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor,
  • Iglesias v. Federal Bureau of Prisons (2022) where they ruled that we have to be housed in  prison of our gender identity,
  • Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board (2017) where the court ruled that he is male,
  • Doe v. Abbott (2021) in Texas where they ruled that healthcare cannot be denied to us,
  • L.W. v. Tapia (2020) that schools cannot deny us our rights,
  • Karnoski v. Trump (2020) where the courts ruled on banning us in the military,
  • Pidgeon v. Turner (2017) where the courts ruled that the ban on same-sex marriage was illegal,
  • Franklin v. Gwinnett County Schools (2021) where transgender student to be recognized and treated according to their gender identity,
  • Preston v. Merced Union High School District (2022) where the courts ruled that we can use the bathroom of our gender identity.
No whoever you are... woke is very much alive! Oh... and notice the wording that they used: "fat, old, loser" they all have negative connotations and are used in a derogatory way. Coupled with "NPC" which means you are a "do nothing." It figures that someone who is a conservative would use language like that, following in the way their cult leader speaks.

First, yes we lost the election but that was only the first skirmish. The 2028 midterm election is just two years away. But...

The IPSOS poll; Trump's approval has plummeted 13 percentage points just days into his presidency!  CNN poll shows that 52% of Americans surveyed disapprove of Trump, the Gallup's February 3-16 poll puts Trump's job approval rating at 45%, down from 47%, and in a Reuters poll, only 39% of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the economy, while 47% disapprove. I don't know about you but there is definitely a downward trend.

Congress has made massive cuts and the voters have noticed that all the cuts to regulator agencies and cuts to the income tax they all help the billionaires! That the cuts to the social services effect the veterans, aid to children, and retirees. The Republicans in Congress are just itching to cut Medicare and Social Security, and I hope that they will try. They voters are noticing!

And the stock market is in a downward spiral, stocks are down and bitcoin has plunged!

Then we have the LGBTQ+ community... we do not just roll over and die. In every court case we have either won or the judge said to come back later when you have a case.

The writer probably has never has heard of the Black Cat Tavern, the Dewey’s Lunch Counter, and the Compton's Cafeteria. Stonewall was just the when the media first noticed us.

We do not put our tails between our legs and sulk away. We fight for our rights... in the voting booths, in the courts and in the legislatures.

No, we are not losers... the battle is over yet!


  1. Maybe we should send the Pumpkin Prince some jelly donuts and hope for the best. Most of the a$$holes that voted for him are not effected by him. Hope these 46 months fly by.

  2. Richard Nelson3/2/25, 2:14 PM

    Now there is a revolutionary Trans warrior one that doesn't back down over name calling or anything else. Good for you Diana. Keep working and keep writing. The Black Cat, Comptons, Dewys, and Stonewall all taught us one thing, When we are under attack fight back. In any case I would rather be woke than dead. Be well and safe.

  3. But don't forget the mid-term elections in the 2028! Over a third of the senators are up for reelection 34 out of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be up for reelection. And all the House of Representatives will be up for reelection!

    1. Richard Nelson3/2/25, 10:34 PM

      If this democracy lasts that long. I guess we'll just have to wait and see and watch the signs. So far legal fascism is doing in the Trans Community, the military brass is now on the side of the fascists, prepare to die from the new way strides of the Dept. of Health, getting everything in their small minded line, or as the Germans said about the early days of Hitler "bringing into line," listing us all one by one, (why else are they into our personal business) and guess what, they have no souls, do not care what the opposing side thinks, yell all you want, make all the signs you wish, pass all the feel good laws in the so called safe states, the fascist ball of crap is rolling our way. So boys and girls pack your suitcase or pack a six shooter we are in for the fight of our lives.

  4. Here is a very interesting comment from Fabrice Houdart: "The fight for LGBTQ+ rights has long been framed as a struggle for integration, recognition, and protection within existing power structures. But what if those structures are no longer willing or capable of ensuring our dignity and safety? If the world is shifting toward illiberalism, if democratic backsliding is making queer lives negotiable rather than inalienable, then it is no longer enough to advocate within the system. We must build our own." I really hope that everyone does not spend all their time working on the upcoming election in 2026. Important yes, but a lot of other issues are just as important. When I read about Trans families coming here to Ct. with very little support FROM US, then I know something is out of whack. But of course we must remember that the lovely lady from New Britain who just may run for Gov. is a supporter of trump. The words of Roque Dalton ring true here, "Always remember that the least fascist among you is still a fascist." So we may be one election away from doomsday and our spring time will end.

    1. Richard Nelson3/3/25, 5:25 PM

      The above comment at 3/3/25 at 7:25 AM is by me, Richard Nelson. I take full responsibility for it and all my comments.
