It is like we are going down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland! Another one of King Trump edicts smells of the 1930s... "spying on undesirables" when Hitler's shock troops rounded us up!
The DHS quietly updated its policy manual earlier this month, removing LGBTQ+ identities from the section prohibiting surveillance based solely on immutable characteristics.The AdvocateBy Ryan AdamczeskiFebruary 26, 2025The Department of Homeland Security has eliminated policies preventing the investigation of individuals or groups solely based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis quietly updated its policy manual earlier this month, as first reported by Bloomberg, removing LGBTQ+ identities from the General Requirements section that prohibit surveillance based solely on immutable characteristics.[...]The manual previously stated, via the internet archive: “OSIC Personnel are prohibited from engaging in intelligence activities based solely on an individual’s or group’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, country of birth, nationality, or disability. The use of these characteristics is permitted only in combination with other information, and only where (1) intended and reasonably believed to support one or more of I&A’s national or departmental missions and (2) narrowly focused in support of that mission (or those missions).”
Does this sound like it is something out of the dystopian worlds of "1984" and "A Brave New World"? In the book "1984," citizens are constantly watched by the government and in "A Brave New World" people feared government surveillance individuals instilled fear and anxiety.
That is exactly what Trump want to do to us, instill fear to make us fear going out of the closet!
Trump is all about instilling fear to control people.
Back during Trump I, Slate magazine wrote,
Barred from employment with the federal government. Considered mentally ill by the psychiatric profession. Seen as criminals under state laws. Subjected to invasive surveillance and targeting by the FBI.This hostile backdrop of the “Lavender Scare” in the 1950s gave rise to some of the earliest organized advocacy efforts on behalf of LGBTQ equality.J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and its “Sex Deviate” program worked feverishly to ruin the lives of untold numbers of gay men and lesbians and to intimidate members of groups like the Mattachine Society, which dared to agitate for the basic dignity of gay people.A half-century later, this history has not been lost on the nation’s leading LGBTQ equality organizations, which yesterday joined allies in the civil liberties and human rights community in sending a letter to President Barack Obama, raising serious concerns over revelations that the FBI targeted leaders of the Muslim community for years long secret surveillance.
Watermark writes on their website...
There was no press conference or declaration regarding the revoking of the order, “just a quiet edit to a government policy manual,” Space environmentalist and TED Fellow Moriba Jah pointed out via Medium. “And just like that, in the shadows of bureaucratic language, the United States took one more step toward treating queer people as security threats rather than citizens.”These protections still exist for those identified by their race, ethnicity, sex, religion, country of birth, nationality, or disability. Sexual orientation and gender identity, both added by former President Joe Biden’s administration, are no longer listed alongside these other protected groups.
We were just quietly erased. Just like in "1984" where the Ministry of Truth (Newspeak: Minitrue) rewrote history.
This is what fascist authoritarian governments do, government leaders like Kim Jong Un of North Korea, or Xi Jinping of China, or Argentine dictator Jorge Rafael Videla. And now... Trump!
“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked."Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.""How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice."You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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