Thursday, January 02, 2025

We're Happy! Imagine That!

A poll was a few years ago found an amazing thing... we're happy! What does that show about all the negative things that the Republicans say about us? How can it be true if we are happier?

This popped up on Facebook yesterday...
Even though trans people face hardships, transitioning has made them happier with their lives, according to a new survey.
The Advocate
By Trudy Ring
March 23 2023

While anti-transgender politicians and activists are promoting the idea of transition “regret,” most Americans who’ve transitioned are happy about it, according to a new poll.

“Most trans adults say transitioning has made them more satisfied with their lives,” reports The Washington Post, which conducted the poll in partnership with the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The poll “is the largest nongovernmental survey of U.S. transgender adults to rely on random sampling methods,” the Post notes. “More than 500 people who identify as trans answered questions about their childhoods, their feelings and their lives post-transition.”

It found that among those who present themselves as a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth, 78 percent said they have become happier with their lives since transitioning. More than 40 percent said they were much happier.

“Living doesn’t hurt anymore,” TC Caldwell, a 37-year-old Black nonbinary person who lives in Montgomery, Ala., told the Post. “It feels good to just breathe and be myself.”
If you listen to the Republicans you would think that transitioning was the worst thing since the Edsel.
“I was floating on a cloud when I first transitioned,” said Tim McCoy, a 72-year-old white trans man living in Syracuse, N.Y. “I just thought that was the answer to all my problems. I felt wonderful, but after I had transitioned for about five years, the depression came back. Transitioning has definitely made my quality of life better, but it’s not the answer to everything.”
The right-wing conservatives parade out their pets who had detransitioned. But tell what is really wrong if a child decides that transitioning is right for them? So they spent a few transitioning so what? It is the right-wingers that are making a mountain out of a molehill, and I think they are doing more damage to the child by parading them around as their "Poster Child."

The poll by the Washington Post-KFF poll...
The Post-KFF poll is the largest nongovernmental survey of U.S. transgender adults to rely on random sampling methods. More than 500 people who identify as trans answered questions about their childhoods, their feelings and their lives post-transition.

The poll builds on a growing but limited body of research. In 2015, the National Center for Transgender Equality polled 27,715 trans people from the United States and its territories, and the nonprofit is in the middle of analyzing data from a much larger pool of respondents who filled out the volunteer survey last year. That project, along with two federal health surveys and a random-sample poll conducted by the Williams Institute, have offered significant insight into the community, but trans people say additional data is needed.
Okay notice "to rely on random sampling methods" so the U.S. Transgender Surveys were community-based survey and not random samples.
Most trans adults say they knew when they were young that their gender identity was different from the sex they were assigned at birth. About a third (32 percent) say they began to understand their own gender identity when they were 10 or younger, and another third (34 percent) realized it between the ages of 11 and 17.
Hey! The Republicans know this and they think that they can eradicate us by preventing us from transitioning but what they are really doing is creating a life of misery. 

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