Monday, January 06, 2025

Standing Her Post Until Relieved

The admiral is at her post until relieved by the next president.

In 2021, the country had one state with a ban on gender-affirming care for youth on the books — Arkansas. In March of the same year, Dr. Rachel Levine won confirmation by the Senate to lead the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps as the assistant secretary for health. She holds the rank of admiral.

Levine is the highest ranking, out transgender person ever to serve in the federal government.

In the nearly four years that she's been at the Department of Health and Human Services, there has been an explosion in anti-trans legislation. Twenty-five more states followed Arkansas in banning gender-affirming care for youth. Other laws focus on bathroom use in schools and public buildings, or bar transgender kids from participating in sports aligned with their gender identity.
She stood her ground against all the crap that the Republicans threw at her.
She's a pediatrician with a specialty in adolescent medicine who was a public health official in Pennsylvania before being nominated to serve in the Biden administration. She wears the blue, wool dress uniform of the Public Health Service, which is the branch of the uniformed services that she leads.
She was a thorn in the Republican's side.
That is separate from what's happening with the proliferation of anti-trans state laws, she says. "This is really a politically and ideologically motivated effort developed by a think tank in Washington in order to attack the LGBTQI+ community, starting with the trans community," she says. "And unfortunately, it has been very successful."

She says she chooses to be optimistic that things will get better for trans people in the U.S.

Levine will resign on Inauguration Day. She says she's going to move back to central Pennsylvania, take a vacation, and plan her next steps.
A job well done!

Somehow I don't see Trump reappointing her. The Shore News Network writes...
Levine, who was appointed by President Joe Biden in 2021, has been a significant figure in shaping public health responses, from tackling COVID-19 to fighting the opioid crisis. She’s also led the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, one of America’s eight uniformed services, and has been deeply involved in expanding access to mental health care and supporting LGBTQ+ health initiatives.

But given the Trump administration’s previous approach to public health policy, many of Levine’s priorities could face major shakeups. A new administration often brings new policy directions, and Levine’s focus on initiatives like reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ health care could clash with Trump’s potential plans.
You want to bet the Trump fills the position with one of his anti-vaxxer cronies? 

1 comment:

  1. How will SCOTUS rule on the cases concerning gender affirming care? Will the justices fall in-line with the BS excuses for its rulings? On the surface the anti-trans politicians cite medical and health care questions, but behind the scenes it is nothing more than asserting biblical teachings of one faith over all other faiths or non-believers.
