Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Final Word...

... at least for today.

Remember we are not alone, all the minorities are goin to feel the "Wrath of Trump" and what we have to work do is work together to turn make sure that in two years we get Congress back. We are going to be going through some tough times especially our youth. They are going to be bearing the blunt of the Republican attacks.

Trump has said he was going to release a 100 executive orders including many of them attacking trans youth healthcare. Our legal advocates will be filing many court challenges to the EO and new laws, consider donating to them, the are not like the right-wing conservative billionaires who can write a check for a hundred million dollars at the drop if a hat.

USA Today wrote,
Trump has promised first-day action taking aim at rights for transgender people, including making it the official policy of the U.S. government to recognize only two genders: males and females.

"With the stroke of my pen, on Day 1, we're going to stop the transgender lunacy," Trump said in a speech last month in Phoenix.

Trump said he will sign executive orders to end "child sexual mutilation," get transgender people out of the military and public schools, and to keep athletes born male biologically from participating in women's sports.

The Republican-controlled House voted Tuesday to pass a bill that would ban transgender women and girls from participating in women's and girls' school sports, but it's unclear if the legislation can garner 60 Senate votes and eventually make it to Trump's desk for signature into law.
We are going to be hit with a tsunami of legislation... federal, state, and local!

We need to get our allies to speak up. When we were trying to pass the non-discrimination bill, I was at the Judiciary Committee hearing and an Episcopal Bishop and other religious leaders spoke passionately on behalf of the bill. Labor unions spoke for the bill. Teachers, nurses, doctors, students, the list was endless.

And we have to be there for each other, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen. A friend questioned me after I posted that I was groggy from a too long of a nap, and they asked "Are you all right?" We have to look out for each other, sometimes all it takes is asking a friend if they are okay to save a life.

We cannot bring change alone... we need partners! I want to end this with a list of supporters for the 2008 non-discrimination bill... 
Organizations that support equality in gender identity and gender expression for all CT residents:
ACLU of Connecticut | American Federation of Teachers (CT) | Anti-Defamation League | CABO (The CT Alliance for Business Opportunities) | Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ | Connecticut National Organization for Women | Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services, Inc. | Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition | Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund | Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders | Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network Connecticut | Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective | Hartford Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays | Gender PAC | Love Makes a Family | The Multicultural Leadership Institute, Inc. (MLI) | National Association of Social Workers (CT) | People of Faith for GLBT Civil Rights | Permanent Commission on the Status of Women | Planned Parenthood of Connecticut | National Association for Multicultural Education, Connecticut Chapter | National Gay & Lesbian Task Force | PRISM - SCSU | Rainbow Center - UConn | SAGE Center - SCSU | True Colors Sexual Minority Youth and Family Services of CT | Unitarian Universalist Society: East, Manchester

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