Sunday, December 31, 2023

Yes It Does.

It is only because they don’t see are desire for our human rights as legitimate. The conservatives think this is all a choice for us you are stuck back in the 1950s.
ACLU representing NRA is consistent with its values. Its stance on transgender issues isn't.
The civil liberties champion's recent positions on the First Amendment rights of individuals seeking information about transgender inmates have been suspect.
USA Today
By Chandra Bozelko
December 31, 2023

The ACLU will represent the National Rifle Association in its suit against New York Department of Financial Services' former superintendent, Maria Vullo. It was an unusual enough pairing that the ACLU had to explain it.

“We don’t support the NRA’s mission or its viewpoints,” the ACLU in a statement posted on X, formerly Twitter. “But we both know that government officials can’t punish organizations because they disapprove of their views.”

Many have commended the ACLU for this principled stand, but we shouldn’t praise the civil liberties champion for being free-speech maximalists just yet. The organization’s recent record on First Amendment rights is less than stellar, especially when it comes to the issue of transgender people in prison.


Precedent is on the plaintiffs’ side. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held that requiring Shawnee State University professor Nicholas Meriwether to call a student by her preferred pronouns violated his First Amendment rights. Shawnee State and the professor have settled.

The ACLU is right no matter how much we hate it, no matter that we see it a slur, no matter that we see it a bigotry it still is speech and as long as it is not threatening it is not illegal.
The ACLU has faced accusations of being a front. Jennifer Thomas, activist and leader of a summer rally against the civil rights group, said: “The American Civil Liberties Union is the legal agent of the gender industry.”
In some sick way the Republicans dream of their distorted view of the 1950s they think the”Dick and Jane” books and Father Knows Best” and want to go back to that time. To when segregation was still legal, to when gays were in the closets, and we were looked upon the topic of a Jerry Springer show.

There version of history ignores the contributions Blacks have made and ignored the discrimination, that was the era of the Lavender Scare, they forgot Christine Jorgensen they wrote her out of their collective memory.

I have worked with the lawyers from the ACLU to pass the gender inclusive non-discrimination law, it was their lobbyist who worked with us to pass the bill and they worked to pass other LGBTQ+ legislation.

* * *

It all fits together if you think about it, the right-wing Republicans still think removing sexual orientation from the DSM was political and that we chose to be who were are.

The vocabulary that they use shows it, “grooming” is a term that shows their thinking that gays chose to be gay. They lump us with gays because that was what people believed back in the 50s.

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