Thursday, December 07, 2023


 They know it is not true and that they are doing harm but they really don’t care that it is harming us.
‘Detransitioners’ wield influence in shaping conservative transgender laws
The Washington Post
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske
December 6, 2023

At 25, college student Prisha Mosley doesn’t consider herself conservative. She was raised “a leftist my whole life, and quite radical at times.” She has face piercings, dyes her hair bright red, supports same-sex marriage, abortion rights and gun control, and rejects gender stereotypes.

But several life-changing decisions forever shaped how others see her.

In her teens, Mosley transitioned from female to male. Last year, she detransitioned and joined forces with conservative activists fighting to ban the gender-affirming care she had received.

Mosley is among more than a dozen detransitioners who have gained prominence this year, suing the doctors and clinics from which they received care in more than half a dozen states, headlining conservative events and starring in documentaries often sponsored by right-wing groups.

Some have testified for restrictions on gender-affirming care for minors. At least 22 states, most run by Republicans, have passed such restrictions this year. To state legislatures and conferences, the detransitioners have offered themselves up as evidence of what they say are the risks and consequences of gender-affirming care, even though it has been endorsed by the nation’s largest medical groups, including the American Medical Association.
I personally know three people who detransitioned and not one of them did it because trans issues but rather because of pressure from family or work, and one of three retranisitoned.

AP News wrote an article about detransitioning,
How common is transgender treatment regret, detransitioning?
By Lindsey Tanner
March 5, 2023

Many states have enacted or contemplated limits or outright bans on transgender medical treatment, with conservative U.S. lawmakers saying they are worried about young people later regretting irreversible body-altering treatment.

But just how common is regret? And how many youth change their appearances with hormones or surgery only to later change their minds and detransition?

Here’s a look at some of the issues involved.


In updated treatment guidelines issued last year, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health said evidence of later regret is scant, but that patients should be told about the possibility during psychological counseling.

Dutch research from several years ago found no evidence of regret in transgender adults who had comprehensive psychological evaluations in childhood before undergoing puberty blockers and hormone treatment.

Some studies suggest that rates of regret have declined over the years as patient selection and treatment methods have improved. In a review of 27 studies involving almost 8,000 teens and adults who had transgender surgeries, mostly in Europe, the U.S and Canada, 1% on average expressed regret. For some, regret was temporary, but a small number went on to have detransitioning or reversal surgeries, the 2021 review said.

Research suggests that comprehensive psychological counseling before starting treatment, along with family support, can reduce chances for regret and detransitioning.

You want regret… I’ll give you regret!

National Institute of Health’s National Library of Medicine on regrets…

Patient decision regret can occur following elective healthcare decisions. The current era is focused on patient-reported outcomes, and decision regret is another metric by which surgeons can and should measure postoperative results. Patients who experience decision regret after elective procedures can often blame themselves, the surgeon, or the clinical practice, and this can lead to downstream psychological and economic consequences for all parties involved.


… Decision regret has been self-reported by many patients. A UK research poll revealed that 60% of quizzed participants regretted having aesthetic surgery and unmet expectations were the most common reason…
60%! Why aren’t the Republicans going after plastic surgeries?

The Post artcle goes on to write,
On social media sites, detransitioners often mark their profiles with the icon of a salamander — an animal that regenerates lost body parts. More than 50,000 have joined a Reddit “detrans” discussion channel, although it’s impossible to verify how many members are detransitioners.

There’s much debate about how many Americans have detransitioned.


But as conservatives have mounted a concerted effort to limit trans and gay rights, particularly in red-state legislatures, a small minority of detransitioners like Mosley have gained prominence.

It was late summer, and Mosley had traveled from her home in Michigan to Texas to join female activists planning a protest at the state Capitol during Austin’s annual Pride celebration.

The activists were there to prevent expansion of transgender rights and support a proposed state law that would define and limit a person’s gender in vital documents to what it was at birth, male or female. They were lobbying lawmakers to consider the bill during a special legislative session. Earlier in the year, Kansas’s Republican-controlled legislature overrode the Democratic governor’s veto to pass a similar law that took effect in July.
The thing about these “detranistioners” is that it wasn’t right for them and they want to force their opinions on everyone else.


Opinion: Gender-affirming care is essential to letting kids be kids—a physician’s perspective
Austin American-Statesman
By Dr. Anne Marie O’Melia
November 28, 2023

As a white, cisgender woman and a pediatrician and child/adolescent psychiatrist practicing for more than 25 years, I feel the national conversation surrounding gender-affirming care for children loses sight of the realities of childhood. Gender-affirming care is essential to letting kids be kids.

Adolescence is the time when most start to face life’s biggest questions: Where do I fit in? What do I stand for? What do I believe in? Who am I, really? The answers are rarely simple and never come easily. Kids attain clarity and growth through experimentation and this developmental process can be difficult for those exploring questions regarding their gender identity. Many transgender and gender-nonconforming adults recall manifestations of gender dysphoria during early childhood. Few young people are equipped to manage the backlash that comes with this exploration, making the already thorny task of finding oneself even more painful. The last thing kids need are restrictions on their access to support.

Texas is among 20 states with laws or policies banning gender-affirming care; seven additional states are considering bans. Transgender and gender-nonconforming kids experience diagnoses of depressive disorder at rates four to seven times higher than their cisgender peers and are more than seven times as likely to attempt suicide. However, gender-affirming care statistics indicate gender non-conforming youths who received gender-affirming care are 60% less likely to experience depression as compared to those who do not; and are 73% less likely to experience suicidality.

Just let kids be. That’s what gender-affirming care is about: talking to kids, their families, and loved ones, and working together to provide the support everyone needs, whatever that support might look like. Medications and surgery may become a part of the conversation later, but it is not the foundation of gender-affirming care.


Why are we allowing new, poorly founded notions about the gender binary to unseat long held and clinically supported ideas about how we should respectfully treat, and meet, children where they are?

Our government should not be in the business of designing legislation to manage a child’s deeply personal journeys of self-actualization and discovery. It is not possible to legislate identity any more than to legislate taste in movies or favorite pizza toppings. These are conclusions people need to come to on their own terms, in their own way, through unfettered exploration.
To answer your “Why” question, the answer is simple. The Republicans found that they can get votes for oppressing us.

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