Tuesday, December 05, 2023

This Is Not A Democracy… This Is What Dictators Do.

Control the education and you control the mind.
Public school libraries are “a forum for government speech,” not a “forum for free expression,” according to a legal brief.
USA Today
By Douglas Soule
December 4, 2023

Florida’s government is arguing that school districts have a First Amendment right to remove LGBTQ books.

That stands the First Amendment on its head! This is right out of 1984’s Doublespeak.
Or any book, for that matter.

It’s a contention that First Amendment experts and advocates call extreme and chilling. But the state maintains the books on school shelves represent protected government speech. Public school libraries are “a forum for government speech,” it says, not a “forum for free expression.”

“Public-school systems, including their libraries, convey the government’s message,” Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody wrote in a legal brief.

That argument is also being made by lawyers for the school boards in Escambia and Lake counties.
This goes way beyond book banning, this is censorship!, something right out of Putin’s playbook.
Those suing accuse the defendants of violating students’ First Amendment right to receive information as well as unconstitutionally removing books because of LGBTQ and race themes. The defendants, meanwhile, say school library content decisions can’t infringe on the First Amendment — because they’re protected by it.
Welcome to the new Republican party where controlling the people is their number one goal.

When does two gay penguins equal Hitler? This is really insulting! LGBTQ+ were forced into gas chambers! And DeSantis compares us to the Nazis... Shame on him, that is f**king disgusting! Shame! Shame!
Florida’s attorney general, and Ron DeSantis staffer, Ashley Moody has compared a children’s book about gay penguins to Nazi propaganda. 
Pink News
By Sophie Perry
December 5, 2023

The Republican, who serves under controversial governor Ron DeSantis, made the comparison in a court filing relating to a legal challenge over LGBTQ+ book bans. 

The Escambia County School Board is currently facing a lawsuit from publishers and authors after it pulled a number of LGBTQ+ titles from public school libraries, including Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell’s popular And Tango Makes Three – about a real-life same-sex penguin couple. 

The lawsuit claims the First Amendment rights of authors and publishers is being violated by the board, echoing a similar legal challenge filed against the Lake County school district in June. 

In the latest filing, Moody rebuffs the notion that freedom of speech is being violated and claims public schools make “value-based judgments” every day about which materials pupils have access to, “based on viewpoint”. 

She went on to say: “They exclude materials such as Nazi propaganda because they disagree that Nazis were wonderful, regardless of any educational value the materials may have. 

“Viewpoint-based educational choices are constitutionally permissible because public-school systems, including their libraries, convey the government’s message.”
These Republicans are sick! Sick! Sick!
The authors and publishers argue that school libraries are public forums and therefore the government cannot restrict access to materials “based on viewpoint”. 
Disgusting! Gays were sent to the concentrations camps and to the gas chambers! It is vile!

Further more the book is about the book is about two gay penguin there is nothing wrong the book it is the dirty minds of the Republican that make it in their minds wrong. I say again these people are sick and they should go to see a psychiatrist to be treated for having an abnormal obsession with LGBTQ+ people.

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