Friday, December 29, 2023

World Migration!

There is an invasion on our Mexican boarder but it is not just there, it is also Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, France, Netherlands, and just about every European country has a problem with undocumented immigrants.
Geert Wilders: the Dutch far-right figurehead sending a chill across Europe
After 20 years as a political outlier, the leader of the anti-immigration Freedom party is closer to power than ever before
The Guardian
Pjotr Sauer in Amsterdam
23 November 2023

Known for his distinctive platinum-blond hairstyle and his aggressive anti-Islam and anti-immigration rhetoric, Geert Wilders has been catapulted by the Dutch elections to the place he loves most to be: at the centre of attention.

In a political earthquake, preliminary results from Wednesday’s election show Wilders’ Freedom party winning 37 seats of the 150 in the lower house, more than any other party and significantly more than expected in opinion polling during the campaign.
Wilder is a right-wing conservative like the Republicans here in the U.S.
From describing Islam as “an ideology of a retarded culture” and calling Moroccans “scum”, Wilders, who is often compared to the former US president Donald Trump for his inflammatory rhetoric and use of social media, has long been a prominent fixture in the European far-right landscape.


Still, some of his more extreme proposed measures – which include restoring Dutch border control, detaining and deporting illegal immigrants, and reintroducing work permits for intra-EU workers – would fundamentally change the DNA of the Netherlands.
Hmm… sound familiar?
Right-wing victory in Italy expected to bring swift changes to migration
The Washington Post
By Chico Harlan and Stefano Pitrelli
September 26, 2022

For years, Giorgia Meloni has railed against Italy’s migration policies, calling them overly lenient and saying they risk turning the country into the “refugee camp of Europe.”

Now that she is Italy’s presumed next prime minister, migration is one of the areas where Meloni can most easily bring in sweeping change.

“The smart approach is: You come to my house according to my rules,” Meloni, of the far-right Fratelli d’Italia party, said earlier this month in an interview with The Washington Post.

Her ideas, taken together, figure to significantly tighten the doors to one of the European Union’s front-line destinations for undocumented immigrants.
It is all around the globe that there has been a migration of people fleeing countries because of war, food insecurity, and lack of jobs. They head for countries that they believe the streets are paved in gold. Countries where they can find work and safety.

The Pew Research Center write;
Four countries – Germany, the UK, Italy and France – account for 70% of Europe’s unauthorized immigrants. Germany had an estimated 1.0 million to 1.2 million unauthorized immigrants in 2017, while the UK had 800,000 to 1.2 million. Together, these two countries had about half of Europe’s total. Italy had an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 unauthorized immigrants, followed by France with 300,000 to 400,000. The remaining European countries had an estimated 1.2 million to 1.4 million unauthorized immigrants.

Unauthorized immigrants in Europe are from all over the globe. About 30% came from countries in the Asia-Pacific region in 2017, while another 23% were citizens of the handful of European countries that are not part of the EU or EFTA. About one-in-five (21%) were from the Middle East-North Africa region. Another 17% were from countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and 8% came from countries in the Americas.
I asked Google’s Bard AI: How has undocumented immigrants affect politics in countries where they flee to? Here is part of it’s answer...

Political impact:
    Rise of populism: The issue of undocumented immigration can be used by populist politicians to gain support by stoking fears and anxieties about cultural change and economic competition. This can lead to stricter immigration policies and increased polarization in the political landscape.
    Human rights and ethical considerations: Concerns about human rights and ethical treatment of undocumented immigrants can also influence political discourse. Debates often focus on balancing border security with upholding the rights of vulnerable individuals and families.
Chat GPT AI said in part…

Political Debates and Policy Discussions:
Undocumented immigration can become a major topic in political debates and policy discussions. Different political factions may have varying views on how to address the issue, leading to polarization and heated discussions.

Voter Attitudes and Political Behavior:
The presence of undocumented immigrants can influence voter attitudes and political behavior. Some voters may support candidates or parties with more lenient immigration policies, while others may favor those advocating for stricter enforcement.

Legal and Enforcement Policies:
Political leaders may implement or advocate for specific policies related to immigration enforcement. This can include increased border security measures, deportation initiatives, or pathways to legal status for certain undocumented immigrants.
Undocumented immigration is being weaponized by the conservatives around the world, they use fear of “others” to create a crisis that they exploit for votes.

What is the answer? Well I can tell you one thing that doesn’t work… fortifying the boarders or locking them up (Heck in prisons they get a roof over their heads and three squares. It sure beats where they came from.). The cause of the migration comes from a combination of economic, social, and political factors.

No matter what you do it will not stop the flood of undocumented immigrants. They want a job, they want security, they want food, and they want a roof over their heads that doesn’t leak.

So when you hear a candidate say they want to stop the flood of undocumented immigrants ask them how they are going to do that? How are they going to get jobs for them in their native country? How are they going to end poverty in the third world countries.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure whether the problem is immigration or just overpopulation. World population has reached eight billion.
