Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saturday 9: The Old Me

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9
questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: The Old Me (2020)
On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…
Sorry about last Saturday 9, my brother and sister-in-law were down at their son’s house in Connecticut for Sunday on their way down to New Jersey and their daughter’s house.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
We're bidding adieu to the old year with a song
about looking back.

Thanks for participating in Saturday 9 during 2023.

1) In this song, the lead singer thanks his younger self for everything he learned from past experience. What's something you learned in 2023?
 After a whole mess of medical tests I learned that my shortness of breath was caused by my blood pressure pills.

2) He admits he did some things he wished he hadn't. Did you do anything in 2023 you wish you could take back?
Nope. No mulligan in life.

3) This music video consists of old photographs. Do you have many photos lingering on your phone or camera? Or are you prompt about downloading them?
I have all my photos on my network 2T drive. (It is easy to install a network drive, it plugs right into my cable modem and it does the rest.)

4) This week's featured artist is 5 Seconds of Summer, a band from Australia. Have you ever been to the land down under? If not, would you like to go?
Nope, I’ve been only to Canada.

5) In 2020, when this song was popular, "murder hornets," aka the giant Asian hornet, were spotted for the first time in the United States. Are you afraid of bugs?
There is only one I am afraid of and it is the Lone Star tick, I just can imagine not being able to eat red meat!

6) Enough about 2020! Let's look back on 2023. Did you travel this past year?
Well to the Cape, Maine, and New Jersey.

7) What was the biggest purchase that you made in 2023?
Hmm… I don’t think that I made a big purchase this year. All small ones.

8) What was your favorite book of 2023?
Arrows of the Queen: Heralds of Valdemar Series, Book 1 By: Mercedes Lackey. I am probably the only one who has a spreadsheet of the books that I have read.

9) What are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Making it to 2025.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!

Yesterday, my post on Facebook.
So I was going to go to a museum with a friend today down in Essex, I waited in a park and ride for him. When he came I went to start the car and it wouldn't start, on the dash the idiot light on the dash said "Low 12 Volt Battery!"
I called the auto club... we can have someone out in 2 to 3 hours. WTF!!!
So I sat there, and sat there, and sat there, he showed up a little before 3. "This is a hybrid! We don't jump starts hybrid."
See in the manual it tells you how to jump start it."
We don't jump start hybrid batteries."
But.. But...
"We don't jump start hybrid batteries... they are 500 Volts!"
The guy parked next to comes to his car and hears the discussion with auto club.
"Can I help, I have jumper cables."
He connects his cables up and the car starts right up.
The auto club guy gets into his truck and drives off in a huff.
(The guy who help me told me to start the car. 
Me: It is running. 
The guy: No you have to start the car to make sure it will start.
Me: It is running now. 
The guy: You have...
Me: See the "Ready" light it means it is running. 
The guy: Oh, okay, 
Me: Thanks.)

I high tailed it over to the Toyota dealer, yup we can replace the battery, no problem. But you know it is a special battery and it will be around $400.
400 dollars!

It was not a good day, on a scale of 1 to 10 it was a -5


  1. Ugh, sorry about the battery. I drive a hybrid, too, so thanks for the heads up.

  2. Oh no about the car situation.

    I would keep a spreadsheet but I don't know how to make/use them. It is a school-year goal of mine to learn how to.

  3. You are not the only person with a spreadsheet for your book reading. I have one, too. It lists the author, book title, # pages or audio hours, whether or not I liked it, whether it was a real book or a kindle, etc. At least the battery wasn't $20,000 like the meme that goes around occasionally tries to say, although I know $400 is a lot of money, too.

  4. Next time your need a 12 volt for your hybrid, go to an auto parts store. The dealer ripped you off. And the wrecker guy was utterly full of BS. The 12v system and the high voltage battery (201 volts) never meet. The 12 v system runs all the low voltage stuff in your vehicle, just as it would in a gas vehicle. Question tho - why was the 12 v battery low? Was it simply old and failing or was your alternator not functioning adequately. Might want to check the alternator.

    1. Well...
      1. It is not shaped like a standard battery, it is made to fit in the space. It is about halfway between a motorcycle battery and a full size battery.
      2. The car is over 5 years old and it died of old age because of 3.
      3. The Prius Prime does not have an alternator, it has an inverter and a generator.
      4. The 12 vote battery is used just to power the inverter to convert the 350V dc to 12V to power the electronics in the car. The Prius Prime has a gas motor, an electric motor/generator, and a electric motor. It has no starter motor, when you turn on the car, the electric motor starts the gas engine.

  5. I keep track of the books I've read, too, but Goodreads does it for me. Genre, date began, date finished, my rating ... it's all there.
