Monday, May 01, 2023

You Know We Know…


That the right-wing conservatives have geared up against us. The list just keeps going on and on, it is not getting smaller but sadly it just keeps growing. There is a never ending list of laws, bills, and violence against us. The question is do I keep reporting it or just ignore the negative news?

Just google “transgender” in Google News and you get a never ending list of negative news articles and almost not one positive article.
  • Juneau Empire: State association considers transgender ban on student sports
  • CNN: Republicans ramp up attacks on transgender people, in statehouses and on the campaign trail
  • Sentinel-Tribune: Conflict over transgender rights simmers across the
  • U.S. Facing Growing Extremism in Denying Care to Transgender ...
  • Texas Tribune: “A death sentence”: Trans Texas teen plots his future as proposed ban on hormone therapy progresses
  • The Texas Tribune: Transgender Texas teen plots his future as anti-LGBTQ bills progress
  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Whistleblower pushes back on St. Louis transgender center findings ...
The list goes on and on and these are just the top headline.

This is far different from the Lavender Scare because now it is well organized. Well funded by millionaires and billionaires. Backed by evangelical Christians religions. And enforced by armed militias with assault rifles outside drag events chanting death to us. Doctors who refusing to treat us. All supported by lies.

It is depressing but that is idea the Republican pogrom wants, they want to eradicate force into a dark corner out of sight and out of mind. They have even come out and said that, HRC reported “The wave of hatred culminated with a speech in which a Daily Wire commentator called for the “eradication” of transgender people…”

The government is systematically attacking a minority of their citizens for political advancement just like it was done in the 1920s, the 1930s, 1950s, 1960s, and the 1970s. Then the Tea Party came along stirred up by Trump and he used us to stir up animosity toward us. He used the Proud Boys just like the Brownshirt were used in the 1920s and 1930s to terrorize the Jews. Marching with torches to create fear among the minorities.

My dilemma is do I write about it or do I write about fluff feel good articles? You know that times are hard for us do I need to keep pointing it out? It is also depressing to write about all the hate and violence that is against the trans and LGBTQ+ communities. I look at the stats and they are good, yesterday 1235 visited my blog. It tells me that people keep reading my blog but I have to think about this for a while.


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