Tuesday, June 21, 2022

This Is How You Do It.

You don’t shout and rant, you don’t swear, you don’t make threats, you don’t name names, and you state your case in a logical manner.

A school board member justified bigotry with Jesus. This mom wasn’t having it.

Colorado school board member Jamilynn D’Avola told a child Jesus justified her bigoted views. Lacy Carroll fought back.
Only Sky
By Hemant Mehta
May 15, 2022

You have to hear the speech that a parent delivered at a recent school board meeting in response to one board member’s religious tirade against her daughter.

To make sense of it, you have to understand that Colorado Springs has long been a hotbed for white evangelical Christianity. That brand of bigotry has now crept onto local public school boards. A couple of months ago, in the span of a two weeks, the Freedom From Religion Foundation sent multiple letters to those boards warning them about board members using their positions to foist their personal religious views on students.


But it’s the situation with another board member, Jamilynn D’Avola, that’s relevant here. When she ran for the board in 2021, her campaign website said “one of my top priorities would be to make sure children are assigned to different bathroom based on their biological sex,” a direct attack on trans kids. She also condemned comprehensive sex education, the “LGBTQ+ agenda,” Black Lives Matter, and “social justice.” Just a total moral monster on every level.

Last year, a student in the district wrote a heartfelt letter to D’Avola urging her to reconsider her positions now that she was on the board. The letter ended by saying, “Some students do not receive this information at home and need to learn it at school so that they stay safe and healthy. I know this is a lot, Mrs. D’Avola, but please, at least consider the things I have said. The mental health of the district’s students is potentially on the line.”


Instead, her response included this Christian-tainted pseudo-sermon:

God cares very deeply about every person and wants them to know who they are in Him… All people are created equal and no one can take that away from them because it was given to them by God. When someone fully understands who they are in Christ, then they will know they are valued and will be able to overcome depression and thoughts of suicide. They will know that there are only two genders and that there is absolute truth that comes from the Word of God. There is great freedom that comes from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father expect (sic) through Him. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, but with this freedom comes great responsibility. We are not free to do whatever we feel like, we must uphold the values and truth of the Bible.

I know that you may not agree with me, and that is ok. I will still see you as the Lord sees you, as a child of the most high God who is loved and valued above all. You are unique, and God has given you special gifts and talents. I pray that God would reveal Himself to you so that you too can experience the love of the Father.

In the video she talks about the board’s hypocrisy but a logical presentation and notice that she doesn’t name the board member. She didn’t make it personal attack, she stepped above the fray. When I was giving testimony for the non-discrimination I talked about getting an oil change where all the mechanics came out to stare at me. I never mentions the garage where it happen because I want to makes it sound like I had a vendetta and is unprofessional.

That is a hell of a speech. It was calm, laid out the obvious hypocrisy, and simply asked for some basic courtesy. Not once did she even call out D’Avola by name.

The board members attack her even though she never mentioned the board member.

And yet, later in the meeting, when the board members had the opportunity to respond to some of the public comments, Ivy Liu came to her conservative buddy’s defense… in the worst possible way: She blamed the daughter who wrote the initial email.

If you look at the video of the whole board meeting at the 2:19 mark another board member refers to “The Evil One” and 2:22 minutes into the video the board member said, “I will continue to support the members who voted for me.” Um… board member… you represent all the people not just the people who voted for you. And then the board member said, “I am concerned that the enemies of our country are preying on our children and are becoming increasingly embolden. The National Teacher’s Union and the council’s website announced to deliver Critical Race Theory programs…” (2:22:50).

That was really enlighten that she thinks that LGBTQ children and Blacks are enemies of the state. That those who hold different view then hers are Un-American.

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