Saturday, December 16, 2017

Saturday 9: Silent Night

Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: Silent Night (1957)

On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) How well do you know "Silent Night?" Without looking up the lyrics, could you sing along with Elvis?
Nope, I would need a cheat sheet.

2) The Christmas with Elvis album hit the stores in October 1957. Were you already preparing for Christmas back in October?
Ha! I do my shopping on Christmas Eve that way you just take what is left on the shelf (as long as it isn’t an elf) along with the exchange register slip. That way have a package under the tree and then they can go back after Christmas and get what they want.*

3) Clearly Elvis liked a flocked white Christmas tree. Is your tree flocked, aluminum or pine green? Real or artificial? Or do you skip the whole tree thing altogether?
I skip the whole tree thing and the decorations… Ba Humbug!

4) Back in the late 1950s, Elvis left his hair its natural brown color. In the 1960s he began having it dyed black. Do you have a salon appointment scheduled between now and year end?
Naw… you need hair in order to get it dyed. I just go out and buy a new wig.

5) Have you ever peeked, looking for a Christmas gift you know is hidden for you somewhere in the house?
Maybe 60 years ago I did.

6)  Which do you prefer, candy canes or gingerbread?
I’m diabetic remember.

7) Is anyone receiving a home made or do-it-yourself gift from you this year?
Nope. A couple a years ago I made a calendar from my lighthouse photos

8) Do you wrap holiday gifts in paper, or do you take the gift bag route?
Hmm… I was thinking about wrapping them this year. As a gag I was thinking about wrapping them in an empty box that the health collective (I volunteer there) gets their condoms in. Can you picture unwrapping a presents and the box says a gross of condoms?

9) This time of year is big for charitable fundraising. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you.
Okay it is a non-profit that I like, it is a sexual minority youth and families service agency called True Colors. I interned there when I was going for my MSW.

*Just kidding, we have a Yankee Swap.


  1. I think #9 is my favorite answer this week. It's interesting and heartening to see what matters to us Saturday 9ers.

    I'm curious: how long does a wig last?

  2. Around 6 months before it gets narlly and frazzled, but then I still wear them for working around the yard or when I don't have to look my best.

  3. Interesting about the wigs. I thought they'd last longer. Maybe I won't go with my frequent threat (when frustrated with my abundant and super curly hair) to shave my head and just buy wigs in whatever color or style I'm in the mood for.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  4. Thank you for the link to True Colors.

    I don't decorate but I don't say Bah Humbug!

  5. I hear that there are sugar free gingerbread recipes. That molasses thing can be controversial if you ask me.

  6. I love your idea of a gag gift. I once wrapped presents using Pop Tart boxes and you'd have thought I'd committed some kind of crime. Sigh. I was just being resourceful. At least it didn't say a gross of condoms!

  7. I'd say that you do anything to lighten the day, so go for the condom boxes. Lol!
    True colors is indeed a great choice of Charities.
    We are putting up the Christmas tree tomorrow. I've moved my spinning wheel so there's now room for it.

    Merry Christmas to you! I wouldn't call you a Grinch. You are too giving and loving.
