Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Stay Out Of Our Lives

I don’t care about your religion, but keep your religion out of my life. Fine, you want deny my existence I have no problem with that, what I have a problem with is that you want me to obey your religious tenants.
US Catholic bishops urge parents to fight school’s transgender policy
By Catholic News Service
Wednesday, 20 Jan 2016

Nebraska's bishops have called on parents to ask the local school board to reverse its ruling on 'transgender participation'

Nebraska’s three Catholic bishops have asked school officials and parents to “make every effort” to reverse action by the local school board on “transgender participation” that would allow boys to compete in girls’ sports teams, among other things.
The bishops issued their statement through the Nebraska Catholic Conference, which represents their public policy interests and lobbied against the association’s board policy.
“Student-athletes, parents, and member-schools are discouraged to learn that the NSAA ignored their concerns about the welfare of Nebraska’s children that was shared during the district voting process,” the bishops said. “Member-schools and parents must make every effort to reverse an NSAA board action that compromises fairness, equality, privacy, safety, and respect for Nebraska’s high school students.”
Equality? Respect for Nebraska’s high school students? When you want to discriminate against a portion of the community because they make you uncomfortable, do you think that is respecting all students? Is it equality that you will not about students not to play sports because of the way they were born?

And you bring up that old lie about safety; they know there has never been an incident when the safety of students was in jeopardy because of a trans student. It is far more likely that it is our lives in jeopardy.

You want to demonize to your members, fine but don’t try to take away our human rights just because you don’t believe in science. We can’t wait 400 years for you to realize that you made a mistake.

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