Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saturday 9: Stay

Saturday 9: Stay (I Missed You) 1994

On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this week's song, a woman is accused of only hearing what she wants to. "Selective listening" is when you choose to focus on what's important to you and ignore what isn't. Are you often, sometimes, or never guilty of selective listening?
Yes, especially when food is involved.

2) She turns the radio up when she hears her favorite song. What song have you recently sung along to?
Oh, that was a very long time ago.

3) This week's featured artist, Lisa Loeb, has always been a big reader. Her band was called Nine Stories as a tribute to her favorite author, JD Salinger. If you were to name a band to honor your favorite author, what would you call it, and why?
The Zimmer’s
It would be named after Marion Zimmer Bradley, the author of the Darkover series.

4) This week's song is her first and biggest hit. "Stay" was on the soundtrack of Reality Bites, a movie starring her friend and one-time neighbor Ethan Hawke. Ethan gave this song to the film's director, Ben Stiller, who agreed it was perfect for the film's closing credits. When you watch a movie, do you stick around for the closing credits?
Nope, never. But I do know those who do… boring!

5) In the 1990s, Lisa was popular for her style and appeared on many magazine covers, causing People magazine to comment, "Though she rose to fame as a singer, she's probably just as well known for her glasses." Do you wear glasses? If yes, do you consider your eyewear purely functional, there to improve your sight, or are your glasses an extension of your personal style?
If I don’t wear my glasses I’m blind as a bat! I lost my glasses in the house and I had to go out to the car and get my old pair so I could find my new pair.
Last week I forgot that I had them on and I went into the shower... Poof, instant fog!

6) Today Lisa does a show on Sirius Radio, and she enjoys broadcasting while her favorite collaborator, her cat, sits on her shoulder. Is there a pet in the room with you as you answer these questions?

7) Lisa raises funds for SCOPE, a charity that helps children from low-income families attend summer camp. When you were a kid, did you go to camp?
Yes, scout camp. And also to day camp.

8) In 1994, when this song was popular, the nation's attention was riveted to a white Bronco driven by a man named Al Cowlings. Without looking it up, can you recall why this was newsworthy?
Oh yes and he just passed away.

9) Random question: Can you do a cartwheel?
Ha, you’re funny! Right now I’m hobbling around. I blew my back out Tuesday night and my back is slowly getting better, I figured another two or three week for it to get to the point where every move is not a stab in the back.


  1. I have been known to say that I need my glasses to find my glasses

  2. I don't think we have many gymnasts in Saturday 9. :)

  3. Sometimes at the end of the closing credits, there is a surprise. Bloopers, maybe, or a cut scene. Not always, but sometimes.

  4. I can't read without glasses, but I still can see, but not really clear. I hope you back feel better soon!
