Thursday, September 07, 2023

Life On The Sandbar

Oh what a beautiful day yesterday was. The mainland was sweltering but on the Cape it was in the mid seventies and a light wind kept the mosquitos away. But best of all… NO TRAFFIC! You can make left turns again. One of the reasons that I go to the Red Barn in Eastham is that it is a right turn at the end of my street, a lot easier getting out on to Rt. 6.

The other thing, with the volume of Rt. 6 down I can hear the fog horns again instead of the din of tires.

The clerks are either back in college and heading back to their country as their J-1 visas begin to expire. What a great life experience, going to, living in, and working in another country and of all places Provincetown. I wonder if they knew that P’town was a LGBTQ+ heaven, did they chose it because it was or did they not have a clue about P’town.

One of the things about Trans Week (Formerly Fantasia Fair) was watching the expressions of the tourist. one time a bus tour of seniors were walking around town. One senior turned to his wife and said "There are an awful lot of tall women in town, I wonder if there is a women's basketball game tonight?" Many of the visitors hadn't clue about P'town, their reactions run the gambit from horror to "I wonder if we can get a picture with them to show the grandkids how hip their grandparent are?"

And sometime that behavior is true for the locals not everyone is singing Kumbaya.

Now it is off to the only supermarket on this part of the Cape, the one in P'town, where hopefully the clerks will one day listen when I say "Please use all the bags and don't make them too heavy for me to carry." (But that seems universal with all clerks and in all stores, their philosophy is... stuff everything in one bag.) Also on the agenda for today, pick up my meds at the pharmacy in Orleans, the one in P'town has very, very limited space for parking. I bring my lunch to eat will they are filling the prescriptions. I have to transfer the prescription from back home to the Cape and that is too complicated to do on the phone. (I did it once but it all got messed up, they transfer all my meds to Orleans and when I was back home I had to transfer all of them back to town. I was getting notices from the Orleans pharmacy they my prescriptions were ready for pick-up.) On the way back I'll stop at the P.O. to check my mail box there.

When I had company last weekend they asked where is the nearest Walmart? I said "Thirty miles in that direction." They then asked "What about a Target store?" I said "Oh it is right next to the Walmart store." "A CVS?" "Ah that is a lot closer, it is only 15 mile away. P'town or Orleans. " 

The neighbor's rental cottage are mostly empty, it seems like the one next door caters to surfers, Thursday night it fills up with cars toting surf boards and then they disappear on Sunday. While the cottages across the street are closing up their cottages for the season, then head down to Florida for the winter.

I'm closing up my cottage after Thanksgiving and opening it sometime in May.

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