Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Our Own...

...Writer Jennifer Finney Boylan author of “She’s Not There”  is also a writer for the New York Times, in her latest opinion article wrote yesterday,
Coming Out as Trans Isn’t a Teenage Fad
Conservatives are inventing a “syndrome” to undermine young people’s transitions.

At the end of the long weekend when my daughter came out as transgender, she headed back to her car with her girlfriend. I watched them from my apartment window as they packed up. My child looked up, and waved.
Unfortunately, what many other parents are receiving right now is not encouragement to find wisdom and understanding. What they are getting instead is a bogus new diagnosis — Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. The inventors of this spurious term claim that R.O.G.D. is not a real trans identity but the product of social pressure.

Abigail Shrier, writing in The Wall Street Journal, describes it as “social contagion.” She says that young people — many of them college-aged, and most of them born female-bodied — are embarking upon transition, with its surgeries and hormones and other accompanying challenges, in the same way a person might take up the ukulele.
Note: The Wall Street Journal is owned by media magnate Rupert Murdoch who also owns Fox News.
Transgender people have not come up with the entirety of our existence solely to hurt Tucker Carlson’s feelings. We do not embark upon transition because it’s groovy. We are here because our hearts demand it.

R.O.G.D. is not a clinical term. It’s a political one, designed to undermine the validity of these young people’s transitions.

The term originated a few years ago on three blogs with a history of promoting anti-trans propaganda. There has been only one study on it, in the journal PLOS One. But the study isn’t about the children in question; it’s about their parents, who were recruited for the study by ads placed in the conservative blogs that had invented the concept of R.O.G.D. in the first place.
R.O.G.D. came to light in a flawed study by Lisa Littman at Brown University, in her published study she interviewed parents about their trans children and how their child’s gender dysphoria came out of the blue. The parents claim that their child caught gender dysphoria from talking to other trans children on the internet. Besides just talking to the parents the trans children she recruited the parents from conservative websites.
What it [being trans] is, is one more way of being human. And the proper response to our children’s humanity should be love. That’s true whether they turn out to be trans, or gay, or straight, or even Republican. They are not here to live our version of who we think they ought to be. They are here to be themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I would have a very hard time if any of my kids, thanks goodness I don't have any, turned out to be a Republican. I would have to say that I failed miserably at raising decent loving children instead of a nightmare.
