Within the next three years...
- The Mueller's investigations will find credible evidence that Russia did aid Trump in the election and that the Russians have leveraged Trump forcing him to act on their behalf.
- The House will hold hearings on among other things the foreign emoluments clause, U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8).
- Trump will be impeached… However, the Republican Senate will not hold a trail if the House passes a Bill of Impeachment. They will not remove a fellow Republican from office
- The economy will take a downward track as the trade wars increase and we will be at the cusp of a recession.
- By the time of the 2020 elections the DJIA will be back to pre-Obama levels
- Trump's shutting down the government over funding for his wall will not end soon, I see it going on for at least a month. In his temper tantrums he may even try to close the border.
- Trump and members of his family will be indicted because of the Trump Foundation actions in New York.
- Other states will investigation the Trump family holdings.
- Trump will only serve one term
- Lastly Trump will seek asylum in Russia when he leaves office because of criminal charges are filed over his various business dealings.
I never thought about him seeking asylum in Russia! That is an interesting thought. He could be Putin's butler or something!