This week is Fantasia Fair week up in Provincetown MA and the weekend that it starts is the last weekend of Women’s Week. Since this in National Coming Out month, this story is about the fair and coming out.
We were staying at a Bed and Breakfast on P’town and there were about eight lesbians staying there also. The two groups didn’t mix that much on Saturday, except for small talk over breakfast, but Sunday night was different. The B&B put out wine and cheese at 5 o’clock each evening; I think there were three of us trans-women sitting around in the living room drinking and munching on cheese and crackers, when the eight women sat down and joined us. I mentioned that I had come out to my brother that spring and I told my store and then one of the women told her story about coming out. The next thing that I knew was there were several empty bottles of wine on the table, we all had told our stories of coming out and we had built a bridge between our two cultures. We left to go to an opening night wine & cheese party for Fantasia Fair and they were heading out to see comedy shows in town.
Later that night, we were coming back from the wine & cheese party and lo and behold who do we bump into, the women from the B&B. They also were heading back to the B&B and they were going into the hot tube outside and it was already ten-thirty. Well somehow the bottles of Port and Sherry that the B&B kept on the table vanished and ended up outside by the hot tube. And somehow, I ended up in the hot tube with them. The next thing that I knew was a banging on the gate outside the hot tube and someone on the other side said… “It’s the police and we really have to talk to you!” It was one o’clock in the morning, the sherry and port was all gone, and we decided it was a very good time to say goodnight.
The next morning we were all very quite at breakfast. The B&B owners sat down with us and said, we heard that there was a little visit from the police last night…
The women were leaving that morning, heading back to Ohio and after they left, the owners said, Lesbian! They always seem to attract a visit by the police; you ladies are always so quiet and demur. I just zipper my mouth and didn’t say a word.
that is hilarious LOL