Friday, September 22, 2006

3X Thursday


1. What do you think about this whole Thailand coup thing? Do you think over-throwing a government is just? If there was enough reason to do so, would you help accomplish such a task? Why/why not?
I do not know enough about the topic to form an opinion about the coup in Thailand. I do not know if there was a lot corruption in the government or why there was a coup. Our country was founded with a coup; it all depends upon what the government is like. Here in the US we have means of a peaceful change in government by a process called elections.

2. Iran. What do you think of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his politics? Aside from his eccentricities, do you really think he's an enemy or is doing bad things? Why/why not?
He is a radical who only believes in one form of government and that is his interpretation of the Koran. Once again I don’t know enough to know if he really is the enemy. Are they only making enough fuel for the power plants, I do not know and I believe that might allow UN inspectors to find out.

3. What do you think about open relationships? Do you think couples who do this are playing with fire, or do you think it can work? Would you ever do it? Why/why not?

I think it is plying with fire. If you take a vow you both should honor it, having an open relationship is asking for trouble. I don’t know how you would keep jealousy out of the relationship.
That said, I do know of a three way partnership. I don’t know how they keep it together, they are all adults and they seem happy with the arrangement.

Bonus Question: Even if you don't do politics, what do you think of the upcoming mid-term elections? Do you think it'll be same ole, same ole, or do you think something siginificant could happen this time around? Why/why not?
I think there will be changes, how much of a change is anyone’s guess. Here in Connecticut there are two Congressional Representative races that are closes where the Republicans might lose their seats. And the Senatorial race is neck and neck between Lieberman and Lamont.
For the 2008 Presidential race I would like to see the Democrats run Senator John Edwards, I think he has a very good chance in wining.

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