Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Friday Five

Someone's in the kitchen...

# Given a choice, and imagining that money and time were no object, would you rather cook dinner, eat out or order in?
I like cooking, but I like also eating out, so it is a toss-up between those two. Order-in is a last resort for me.
Maybe that has something to do with my doctor always telling to lose weight.

# What is the most elaborate meal you've ever prepared yourself or purchased at a restaurant?
Veal Saltim Bocca, Corn Pudding and Rice Pilaf and for the recipes go here.

# What food do you find yourself making and/or eating way too much?
Pasta, hands down

# What was your most disastrous cooking/eating out experience?
Oh, that is an easy one. I tried making Lobster Ravioli with Newburg Sauce, it was a disaster. The pasta for the ravioli must have been a quarter in thick and I ended up just eating the filling.

# Would you rather cook for someone else or have them cook for you?
I would rather cook.


  1. You sound as if you are a fantastic cook Diana!

  2. I wouldn’t say fantastic, but I do like to cook. I think it had something to do with all of the chemistry courses that I had to take :-) and the fact that I like to eat good food.

    Well if off to cook supper......
