Sunday, October 22, 2023

We answer to a higher authority

Evidentially not. I was banned on Facebook for using higher authority as culturally unacceptable!!!!

Do you remember the ads for Hebrew National hot dogs that was advertising solgan since 1965 but all of sudden it is ban!

Do you remember the “Secret Duck” on the show “You Bet Your Life” with Groucho Marx, you say the magic word and the duck drops down with “$100! Well Face book is like that. You have no idea what the secret words are but when you write them they pull your post.

They don’t tell you what the words not to say only that you have violated community standards! They don’t list the words, they don’t give you a warning that a word in your post is objectionable and a chance to remove it. The ax just falls and you get a black mark.

They have no list, no warnings, no chance to correct it… just WACK!

What got me banned I think (Because they never said what word or phrase got me banned) was saying that I answer to a higher authority my grandmother when it comes to recipes.

Yup. That sent the censors into a tizzy.

Now every time I post I wonder... "Will this get me banned for posting a news article?"

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I encounter the algorithm god all the time; even when I am creating a supportive or non-controversy comment. Yet, there are crude comments that flew past the censor. The problem is you're trying to change a word or two to get the comment posted which really lessens the impact because the revision really does not have the same meaning as the original.
