Sunday, October 29, 2023

So Tell Me What Is Wrong


With listening to what we say about our gender.

No body should have surgery done on them without their consent… Period.

No one should tell us what we can do with our bodies.

These conservatives think they know what is right for us and I include doctors in that group. They say that god doesn't make mistakes and I say they are right, he only experiments with us to make improvements.

On CBS Sunday Morning this morning,
Living an intersex life
According to statistics cited by the U.N., .05 to 1.7 percent of the world's population is intersex, defined as having external or internal sexual organs that are not clearly male or female. As a matter of course, doctors in the past performed surgery on babies, ostensibly so that they would live a "normal" life. Correspondent Erin Moriarty talks with Pidgeon Pagonis (who was born looking female on the outside but also with testes and XY chromosomes) about Pagonis' memoir, "Nobody Needs to Know"; with professor Elizabeth Reis, author of "Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex"; and with urologist Dr. Ilene Wong, who believes the medical community has failed intersex patients.
What do you call surgery with only a 40 percent success rate?

The very same politicians who are say (Falsely) trans children are too young to have surgery but these politicians are out there praising surgery on month old babies!

These Republican politicians want to define a man and a women as having  XY chromosomes for a male and XX chromosomes which will leave millions of intersex people in limbo. The Republicans think gender is only determined by chromosomes and ignore conditions like Klinefelter’s Syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Swyer syndrome, 46, XY disorder, or chimera and hormonal AIS, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Alpha-5-reductase deficiency.

In their fear of us they rush ahead with these half baked ideas that affects not only us  but all those who are different from them.

So tell me what is wrong with waiting for a child to be old enough for them to make an informed consent. What is wrong with letting a child explore their gender? But these right-wing Republicans want everything to fit nice little orderly boxes. It is the Republican form of OCD everything has to have its place and it drives them bonkers when something is different.


So sit back and watch this segment of CBS Sunday Morning.

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