Saturday, October 21, 2023

I Answer to A Higher Authority.

I am patiently waiting for the delivery of a poppy seed roll (Potica).

I have been on a quest all my life, I have been looking high and low, in bakeries, online recipes, and in old recipe books to no avail for poppy seed and nut rolls. 

Yesterday I was googling recipes and an ad for Amazon popped up for a poppy seed roll! It look good so I ordered it and it is going to be delivered sometime this afternoon and then the “Test’ to see if it meets my high standards… does it match my grandmother’s poppy seed roll!

History: My grandmother used to make this for the holidays, she used to spend a whole day making pastries for the holiday and one of my favorites was the poppy seed and nuts rolls. She also used to make Beer Crullers that I loved, but alas, she never wrote any recipes down and they were lost when she passed away. I found the poppy seed and nut roll recipes online the closes are from Yankee Magazine (My version is here). If anyone has a beer cruller recipes I would love to have a copy and I'll give you credit on this page.

Will it meet the high standard of my grandmother?

This post just got banned from Facebook!!!!
Your post goes against our Community Standards on cybersecurity.

WTF is wrong with this? Those people are nuts!

They must have a list of code words that they flag, they don't look at the context the word is used in... there's the word... blink deleted.

George Carlin got it right! 

Say the Secret Word and the duck will come down and ban you!

I also think that once you get on their "S***list" they even become more picky.

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