Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Yeah, But… Whose?

Here we go again with another right-wing Republican gimmick and it is a dozy. It almost makes it to the level of the Cuckoo Cuckoo Award!
Three other Republican House members signed on as cosponsors of the 'Fidelity Month' bill
Fox News
By Emily Robertson
July 9, 2023

Rep. Alex Mooney introduced a bill recently that would designate one month every year as "Fidelity Month," with the hope that Americans will unite in rededicating themselves "to the values of faith, family and patriotism."

"Our survival as a country depends on the shared bonds of faith, family and patriotism," the West Virginia Republican said in a press release. "It is therefore fitting to observe a month where Americans of all faiths and beliefs can come together to reaffirm and rededicate ourselves to our core values."

Fox News Digital spoke with the West Virginia representative, discussing what led him to write the bill, along with addressing his concerns for the nation. 

Mooney said the bill was inspired by Dr. Robert P. George, a conservative Christian philosopher and Princeton University professor who initiated the idea of dedicating the month of June as "Fidelity Month."
This is almost like the “Straight Pride!”
This year, the poll revealed Americans' view of patriotism being "very important" has dropped from 70% to 38%. The view of religion being "very important" has decreased from 62% to 39%. The view of having children as being "very important" has gone down from 59% to 30%. And being involved in community dropped down to 27%. The view of money being "very important" however, has risen from 31% to 43%. 
You think that maybe people are fed up with all the negativity coming out of some religion and that might be a factor in the decline of religion?
"I think it needs to be clear to everyone: It's the values of hard work, faith in God and love of community that has made this country the greatest country that the world has ever seen. It's those values," he argued. "It's not this woke nonsense. It's not dressing up boys as girls and trying to claim they're a different gender — which is a total lie, by the way. It's not drag shows for grade schools."
Ah… I see.

It is your version of religion that you are pushing! One of exclusion rather than one of inclusion, one of hate rather than love.

You want to push your religion, one of the Ten Commandments, and not any other religion’s version of the Ten Commandments, just the Protestants version not the Jewish or Catholics versions.
"It's those Ten Commandments and other precepts of faith that have made this country great and will make anybody reading this article or any American happy and successful. It's not all of this noise you're hearing with the woke agenda these days."
They tout “Family Values” but it is their warped view of family values of the “Father Knows Best” era, where blacks knew their place, minorities were for mowing the lawn, cleaning, or cooking. Gay and lesbians were deep in the closet. While we didn’t exist (Conveniently ignoring Christine Jorgensen and Renée Richards.)

They tout “Family Values” where trans children are thrown out on the street or had their brain fried with ECT.

Are they the “Family Values” that allow you not to serve people who are different?

That is their “Family Values” not mine.

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